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#1 2013-10-21 14:01:51

Registered: 2012-08-09
Posts: 49

[solved] static ethernet connection suddenly stopped working.

I have been using netctl with a static ethernet connection without problems for some time. Today it slowed down dramatically and stopped.

Systemctl showed ethernet static had failed. ip link showed the network card was down and no carrier. Logs were inconclusive.

ip link set enp3so up did not bring the card up, so I changed cables and router to no effect. I reset the cables etc. as they were and suddenly I could use ip link to get the card up and the no carrier error was gone. There was still no network though, trying to start network brought a job failed error and rebooting left me as before.

I tried a live cd and had immediate connection, which for me removed any doubts about hardware.

I am at a loss to explain why it stopped and will not restart, nothing had changed with the system, no updates, not even a power off.

Any pointers to help correct this?

Last edited by weedfreak (2013-10-23 12:33:29)


#2 2013-10-21 21:56:55

Registered: 2013-02-21
Posts: 525

Re: [solved] static ethernet connection suddenly stopped working.

Today it slowed down dramatically and stopped.

Either something changed, your ISP had a hickup, or a hardware failure.

I reset the cables etc. as they were and suddenly I could use ip link to get the card up and the no carrier error was gone

Make sure all of your hardware-cables-switches are working. And are you sure that your ISP didn't just stop working for a few min.

Start from where you are now
Have you changed /etc/netctl/<yourconfig>?
What is the output of

ip addr

Start at the wiki, step by step. … figuration


#3 2013-10-22 08:10:16

Registered: 2012-08-09
Posts: 49

Re: [solved] static ethernet connection suddenly stopped working.

Nothing was changed in the setup /ect/netctl/ is the same as it has been for weeks. The user of this box just uses it for email, surfing and some general office and graphics work, she knows nothing about changing anything and does not have sudo rights to change anything.

Other boxes in the network all work OK and did at the time this one stopped, it can not be anything to do with isp as others can get online and network with each other, this box cannot even ping anyone in the local network.

The hardware was all changed to no effect, then replaced. Booting from a live CD confirmed the hardware is OK as internet was immediately up and stayed up.

ip addr shows the network card is down with no carrier. using ip link I can turn the network on, it then shows a carrier for a few minutes then returns to the failed state. For me this points to a hardware problem but the fact I can run it for hours from a live cd points to an Arch problem.


#4 2013-10-23 12:33:07

Registered: 2012-08-09
Posts: 49

Re: [solved] static ethernet connection suddenly stopped working.

As nobody has any ideas I tried a reinstall of Arch with the same result, then I tried an install of Ubuntu and it worked perfectly first time, and has done ever since.


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