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I have a problem with the Network Manager for Gnome 3.8.2 on my laptop - I've tried to have it connect to my network broadband but the problem is it keeps disconnecting - even the ethernet cable on the laptop. Is the Network Manager for gnome at it's latest version if not could it be updated! Is anyone else having the same problem?
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I'm also traped in this trouble. Did you resolve this problem?
I've noticed that this annoying error started after I've installed the network manager and network manager applet in gnome.
And I cannot remove network manage and the applet cause gnome now depends on it. What a stupid error.
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by victordfb (2013-10-29 12:20:21)
Did you disable all other network services (systemd) before enabling the network manager service? Because conflicting network services could cause this (previously configured during arch setup).
ps. check with "systemctl" command
Last edited by giowck (2013-10-29 16:46:22)
I had the same problem with Network Manager on Gnome 3 and then googled.
this helped … arch-linux
I installed arch from scratch only a few days ago. I installed GNOME 3 and network manager, set a static ip via the gnome settings, and saw this problem around the second day. Then I remembered I had not disabled dhcpcd which had been installed by default. So I did a
sudo systemctl disable dhcpcd
then rebooted, and have not seen the problem again.
I wish the wiki install guide would explain this more explicitely when configuring network manager or general network.