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This issue will finally be solved in Linux 3.12!
Check out this post of the maintainer of the relevant code in the linux kernel:
I can confirm that kernel 3.12 solves the problem. I checked out linus' kernel git tree, compiled without any patch applied, installed and rebooted, and everything works like it did in pre-3.10 kernels!
So luckily this is truly resolved.
I can confirm that kernel 3.12 solves the problem. I checked out linus' kernel git tree, compiled without any patch applied, installed and rebooted, and everything works like it did in pre-3.10 kernels!
So luckily this is truly resolved.
I just upgraded to 3.12. The system update also upgraded the nvidia-304xx driver supporting my geforce 6200. Then I rebooted to the grub menu and edited my boot line; removing "nomodeset," but during boot I still got the same black screen as before the update. So as of 3.12, I still need "nomodeset" to boot normally and avoid the black screen.
gen2arch wrote:I can confirm that kernel 3.12 solves the problem. I checked out linus' kernel git tree, compiled without any patch applied, installed and rebooted, and everything works like it did in pre-3.10 kernels!
So luckily this is truly resolved.
I just upgraded to 3.12. The system update also upgraded the nvidia-304xx driver supporting my geforce 6200. Then I rebooted to the grub menu and edited my boot line; removing "nomodeset," but during boot I still got the same black screen as before the update. So as of 3.12, I still need "nomodeset" to boot normally and avoid the black screen.
bpont: so did I, just upgraded to the standard Arch linux kernel 3.12.0-1, and it does work! there is no longer the black screen during boot, that was introduced with kernel 3.10.3.
But I do use INTEL graphics, not nvidia; so it would seem that your problem is more related to nvidia cards, and therefore not to the i915 driver problems this thread mainly was about.
bpont wrote:gen2arch wrote:I can confirm that kernel 3.12 solves the problem. I checked out linus' kernel git tree, compiled without any patch applied, installed and rebooted, and everything works like it did in pre-3.10 kernels!
So luckily this is truly resolved.
I just upgraded to 3.12. The system update also upgraded the nvidia-304xx driver supporting my geforce 6200. Then I rebooted to the grub menu and edited my boot line; removing "nomodeset," but during boot I still got the same black screen as before the update. So as of 3.12, I still need "nomodeset" to boot normally and avoid the black screen.
bpont: so did I, just upgraded to the standard Arch linux kernel 3.12.0-1, and it does work! there is no longer the black screen during boot, that was introduced with kernel 3.10.3.
But I do use INTEL graphics, not nvidia; so it would seem that your problem is more related to nvidia cards, and therefore not to the i915 driver problems this thread mainly was about.
I didn't realize this thread was card-specific. My apologies. In any case, a quick google search shows that this black screen issue brings up many threads on many different forums affecting various hardware. I don't agree that the problem relates to particular hardware, but should still be acknowledged as a kernel bug (that has been apparently patched to address your particular hardware). Other users are still affected. I haven't delved too deeply into the whole issue, but apparently it's related to KMS. I would still classify this as a kernel bug related to KMS because, if affected, KMS completely disables the system during boot. It's impossible to Alt + Ctrl F[x] to get to a different TTY. The user is forced to unplug the computer and do a hard reboot. Obviously, the kernel devs must think it's a bug too if they've added a patch to address the issue which has benefited your particular hardware, but obviously other hardware is still affected by this.
bpont :
KMS is only used by the open source drivers, and for nvidia the OSS driver is called nouveau.
If pacman upgraded the nvidia-304xx driver, you seem to be using the proprietary nvidia driver, which DOES NOT use KMS.
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
bpont :
KMS is only used by the open source drivers, and for nvidia the OSS driver is called nouveau.
If pacman upgraded the nvidia-304xx driver, you seem to be using the proprietary nvidia driver, which DOES NOT use KMS.
Yes, I installed the proprietary driver and blacklisted nouveau. But if KMS and my driver don't talk to each other, then why do I get the black screen / system freeze up when I remove 'nomodeset?'
Edit: ...and why was there a kernel patch apparently applied to this issue in 3.12?
Last edited by bpont (2013-11-15 19:43:54)
Tried downgrading to previous version, didnt work. Rebuilding arch linux worked.
Try this after booting from live cd:
mount /dev/sdcX /mnt
arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash
pacman -Syu mkinitcpio systemd linux
Welcome to the Arch Linux forums. You have stumbled upon a 3 year old thread about an ancient kernel (3.10). We are on kernel 4.10.
A lot of water has gone under the bridge.
I am going to close this old thread, but feel free to start a new thread if you are having issues with a modern kernel.
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