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I have created a very simple script in bash in order to manage the time(system time and date).
Its called timeset.
Its in the AUR now.
GUI available.
it can be downloaded from here
After downloading you will need to make it executable.
sudo chmod +x ~/timeset
After then copy it to the /usr/bin directory for easy access
sudo cp ~/timeset /usr/bin
(Assuming that it has been downloaded to the home folder.)
Otherwise it should be sudo chmod +x <path-to-timeset> and sudo cp <path-to-timeset> /usr/bin.
To run it
sudo timeset
To run the GUI
gksudo timeset-gui
Last edited by aaditya (2013-11-22 18:52:46)
Here is the code.
Its my first bash script
##timeset- A script-utility to configure the system date and time
##Author- Aaditya Bagga
ROOT_UID=0 # Only users with $UID 0 have root privileges.
E_NOTROOT=87 # Non-root exit error.
# Run as root, of course.
if [ "$UID" -ne "$ROOT_UID" ]
echo "Must be root to run this script."
while :
echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " TimeSet(tings) - Configure the System Date and Time "
echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo "[1] Show Current Date and Time Configuration"
echo "[2] Show Known Timezones (press q to return to menu)"
echo "[3] Set System Timezone"
echo "[4] Synchronize Time from the Network (NTP)"
echo "[5] Control whether NTP is used or not"
echo "[6] Enable NTP at Startup"
echo "[7] Disable NTP at Startup"
echo "[8] Control whether Hardware Clock is in Local Time or not"
echo "[9] Read the time from the Hardware Clock"
echo "[10] Synchronize Hardware Clock to System Time"
echo "[11] Synchronize System Time from Hardware Clock"
echo "[12] Set System Time manually"
echo ""
echo "[q] Exit/Quit"
echo "==========================================================="
echo -n "Enter your choice [1-12,q]: "
read choice
case $choice in
1) echo "Current Date and Time"; timedatectl status; echo "Press a key. . ."; read;;
2) echo "TimeZones";timedatectl list-timezones ;;
3) echo -n "Enter the TimeZone (it should be like Continent/City): " ; read tz ; timedatectl set-timezone $tz ;echo "Press a key. . ."; read ;;
4) echo -e "Synchronizing time from the Network. \nNTP should be installed for this to work."; printf "Please wait a few moments while the time is being synchronised..\n"; sudo ntpdate -u; echo "Press a key. . ."; read ;;
5) echo -n "Enter 1 to enable NTP and 0 to disable NTP : "; read ntch; timedatectl set-ntp $ntch; echo "Press a key. . ."; read ;;
6) sudo systemctl enable ntpd; echo "Press a key. . ."; read ;;
7) sudo systemctl disable ntpd; echo "Press a key. . ."; read ;;
8) echo -n "Enter 0 to set Hardware clock to UTC and 1 to set it to Localtime : "; read rtcch; timedatectl set-local-rtc $rtcch; echo "Press a key. . ."; read ;;
9) sudo hwclock -D ; echo "Press a key. . ."; read ;;
10) sudo hwclock -w ; echo "Press a key. . ."; read ;;
11) sudo hwclock -s ; echo "Press a key. . ."; read ;;
12) echo -ne "Enter the time.\nThe time may be specified in the format 2012-10-30 18:17:16 . \nOnly hh:mm can also be used. \nEnter time: "; read time; timedatectl set-time $time; echo "Press a key. . ."; read ;;
q) printf "Thanks for using this script!\n"; exit 0 ;;
*) echo "Opps!!! Please a valid choice!";#!/bin/bash
echo "Press a key. . ." ; read ;;
exit 0
-- mod edit: read the Forum Etiquette and only post thumbnails … s_and_Code [jwr] --
Ok, done. -Aaditya
Last edited by aaditya (2013-11-22 18:44:21)
I made a pkgbuild for it and uploaded it to the AUR.
A GUI has been developed by Frodouser-senior and me.
It installs an icon in Applications -> System