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Hi, first post, new Archer here
I've set up an Arch on my new laptop few days ago and wanted to transfer all my media from Windows 8 desktop.
I connected two machines with regular CAT6 cable and set up static IP's on both OS's.
Transfer worked but having in mind both computers are having gigabit LAN ports i was expecting really high speeds, instead all i got was 16-20 megs/sec at most.
So obviously, i'm not getting gigabit xfer speeds.
Any heads up on how to achieve this?
I was searching the forum for these issues but what i found didn't really helped or is way to outdated.
Is there a way to follow forums on my phone via some Android app? Tapatalk won't work with FluxBB's.
Last edited by pentago (2013-11-05 18:11:16)
a gigabit lan max speed is somewhere round 120 megs a second
hard drive speeds will affect this too
gigabit != gigabyte
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i understand that 20M max is not close to 120 but im suggesting looking at your HD drives and taking into account the rpm and age of the drive
lot of times i only get max 50 - 60 with the machines i have
Last edited by VanillaFunk (2013-10-31 18:04:42)
VanillaFunk, thanks but i know that much
I said speeds were 16-20Mb/sec and i expected it to be like 160 at worst.
not sure how much of this will apply but : … ux-799369/
couple options on here and what not since this applies to windows <-> Linux network
seems 12 - 28 max is common
as i had said speed of hardisks , cable length, hardware, etc come into play
but you wont get 160 on a device that has a max of 120ish
Last edited by VanillaFunk (2013-10-31 18:14:30)
Ah, ok..
But still,, 20 is waaay to slow. Even for 5400 RPM drive in laptop, right?
well you're also transfering between two types of partitions.
do you know the two drives partition types?
I would do a search and look for common transfer rates between the two
im not saying you're at the max for what you could be.
but im doing what i can with the info youve given
-- edit --
id take all the factors you can into acount .. i would make sure you set up network according to the wiki and samba as well...
but it seems since you're connecting and transfering that both are working its just a matter of speed,
and im not sure you will get much much higher than you are but if you can search based on the specs of your machines that may help explain things
i dont get much more than 40 - 60 ish between 2 linux machines and i dont use windows so i wouldnt know if the ntfs partition type connected
to an ext4 will be slower.
Last edited by VanillaFunk (2013-10-31 18:49:33)
Could the issue be the fact that i didn't use crossover cable, rather regular, twisted pair one?
Umm yeah, i found the issue.
Instead of plugging the cable directly to PC i plugged it to my router and tried transferring large amount of data. Transfer peaked somewhere around 80MBps which is more reasonable definitely having in mind previous rate of barely 20MBps.
The issue was probably the fact that i used regular twisted pair cable instead of crossover one, not sure. Maybe someone could confirm this.
Either way, issue resolved.