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#1 2013-11-22 15:30:56

Registered: 2013-11-22
Posts: 1

dhcpcd cannot find carrier when USB tethering Android phone

Hello Archers,
  Recently I have been experiencing a problem when trying to use USB tethering from my Android phones (a Razr Maxx and an LG G2).  Normally the way I do this is just by activating tethering on the phone, and then invoking "dhcpcd <device>", where <device> used to be usb0 but, since the systemd transition, now is usually something like enp0sXYZ.  Anyway, this always worked fine until recently, but now dhcpcd immediately reports "Carrier acquired. Carrier lost. Waiting for carrier..." and eventually times out. The problem doesn't always occur - I have successfully tethered to the Razr phone once recently - but I don't know what caused that success and can't repeat it.

Can anyone shed some light on this problem? It's crippling for me because my 4G phone is the only source of internet I have. The only clue I have found from searching was a post on some other forum, speculating that a bug exists in recent versions of dhcpcd. If I can ever get internet, I can try installing dhclient instead, but I have always preferred dhcpcd.. any advice would be most welcome. Thanks!

Last edited by sacheie (2013-11-22 15:31:59)


#2 2013-11-22 17:20:29

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,354

Re: dhcpcd cannot find carrier when USB tethering Android phone

Not a solution, but perhaps a workaround; certainly, another data point.   Give dhclient instead of dhcpcd

Also, what does ip link say about the interface.  Is that output stable, or does it change from one invocation to the next.  Does it show the carrier coming and going?  If so, it is not a dhcpcd problem.
Also, check your journal.  Is the usb device disconnecting and reconnecting?
Have you tried a different cable?

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