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I'm quite new with Arch and I'm having a lot of problems with NFS.
At home I've a small home server (running Ubuntu Server 12.04) with some NFSv4 shares. On the client (the one running Arch) I mount the shares with the following line in /etc/fstab: /mnt/nfs4 nfs4 noauto,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=20,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 0 0
The shares are correctly mounted at boot and I don't have any problems when I copy files from the server to the client. Performances are really good: with big files I've seen transfer rates up to 80-90MB/s.
Things get messy the other way around, when I copy files from the client to the server. If the files being copied are small it usually works fine, but if the files are big (let's say 1GB+) the copy always hangs after 20-30s. When this happens the entire system becomes laggy and unresponsive. To get an usable system again I must stop the copy (not an easy task with nautilus freezed) and umount the nfs shares or, alternatively, reboot the entire system (the faster method).
Any ideas?
PS: sorry for my terrible english.
You need to provide more information in order to find a solution. It can be a network, disk or configuration problem, or maybe something else.
You can try to:
- Detect disk errors using dmesg and copy the file locally on the server share (using a flash drive for example)
- Copy the file using the terminal from the client
- Use other protocols to send the file on the server (FTP, SSH, SAMBA, ...)
- Monitor your network, cpu and memory during the copy process (on the server and the client)
- Use another client or OS to mount the NFS.
- Investigate the logs and send useful information.
The steps above aren't in a relevant order. You can also provide your NFS configuration file, you connection type (wireless, wired, with/without router/switch/hub), the file system of your drives.
Thank you.
You might take a gander at
I may have to CONSOLE you about your usage of ridiculously easy graphical interfaces...
Look ma, no mouse.
Thanks for the answers and sorry for the delay (horrible week).
After tinkering with the mount options I've apparently solved the issue removing the x-systemd.device-timeout=20 from the fstab mount option. Now it works fine.
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