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Alright it seems this happens every time I install LAMP server in one form or another.
I cant seem to be able to edit the /srv/http folder content with my usual user account.
I really don't want editing stuff as sudo all the time so I really want to be able to edit
the contents of that folder as a normal user.
Here's what puzzles me. As far as I can tell I have done everything necessary to give
a normal user write rights to the folder. Command groups give the following:
lp wheel http games network video audio optical storage power users
And when looking at folder permissions I got this:
drwxr-sr-x 5 root root .
drwxr-sr-x 18 root root ..
drwxr-sr-x 2 http http ftp
drwxr-sr-x 2 http http http
drwxr-sr-x 2 http http vhosts
In apache.conf user and group are set to http.
So where's the problem?
Last edited by Gri3T0m (2013-12-22 15:56:31)
"No prize is worth obtaining if you can never share it."
Those permissions say the "http" user can read / write but people in the "http" group can only read. Is that what you wanted? It sounds to me like you intended to set the permissions to "775" instead of "755".
NOTE: I'm kind of distracted right now. I may be misunderstanding your question or that "s" in your permissions...
Last edited by drcouzelis (2013-12-22 15:26:09)
Ah so there was the rub. Changing permissions to 775 worked. Thank you.
"No prize is worth obtaining if you can never share it."