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#1 2013-12-25 12:55:24

Registered: 2009-01-02
Posts: 155

secure postfix gateway

Im doing this entirely for the masochistic pleasure/learningexercise  tongue

I have a cheap small VPS that I want to act as an SMTP relay to forward emails to my own server on a dynamic ip connection (the VPS has a static address). I want it to act as a gateway - so IMAP is on my server, which then forwards to the gateway, which then sends emalis out to the world from my domain name.

But Ive hit a snag..

I want to secure both servers, so they dont become spam bots and I get black-listed... I was thinking SASL and SSL on both servers, but I cant get my mind around it.
* The gateway only has postfix. It forwards mail to the host, and the host forwards (outbound) mail to it. Can/should I use SASL here or just SSL?
* The host has postfix+dovecot. Obviously Ill need SASL for IMAP, and SSL.
* Presumably Ill need one SSL certificate per server?

Any advice is very much welcome!


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