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I'm having problems with several packages getting this error message:
checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (library qt-mt) not found. Please check your installation!
For more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log.
Make sure that you have compiled Qt with thread support!
make: *** Keine Targets angegeben und keine »make«-Steuerdatei gefunden. Schluss.
==> ERROR: Build Failed. Aborting...
But all seems to bee there:
[root@workstation64 termcap-compat]# slocate qt-mt
Thread support seems to be enabled: … iew=markup
from qt pkgbuild:
./configure -prefix /opt/qt -platform linux-g++
-system-zlib -qt-gif -release -shared -sm -nis -thread -stl
-no-g++-exceptions -plugin-sql-{mysql,psql,sqlite,odbc}
Any idea?
I guess the qt pkg needs to be rebuild with a symlink /opt/qt/lib -> /opt/qt/lib64. I'll try that.
Yeah. That's the reason. Got it fixed. A new qt pkg is on the way.
I'm not sure if this only occurs on my system:
For updating qt I had to
pacman -Rd qt
rm /opt/qt/lib/*
rmdir /opt/qt/lib
pacman -U(or for you -S) qt
I hope it will cleanly update when next update will be released. Sorry. But I have no time for writing an execellent qt.install script.