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I'm not having much fun getting kernels up & running all this initrd initramfs is not good for me karma
Wiki has loads of pages but none make any sense (maybe I should update 'em!)
Is it time for Arch to restructure Kernel builds, as I feel that rolling your own at cli looks more easy to do atm
Ok kernel.install is turning into a small novel...
Now I remember why I stopped compiling my own kernel, unless you rebuild every day you do not have a hope of keeping up to date
Nothing wrong with running stock just would like to have all the toys ..
Never tried suspend or gensplash are they worth the effort
Forgive the rant just that me archck kernel broke then I read the post again now I'm feeling dumb lol
Well I just like breaking stuff I guess .... never had a stable system that would be waaay uncool
Maybe I'm getting bored & need a new challenge...
Mr Green
I'm not having much fun getting kernels up & running all this initrd initramfs is not good for me karma
One step at a time, man - that's what I'm doing.
Is it time for Arch to restructure Kernel builds, as I feel that rolling your own at cli looks more easy to do atm
I can't imagine anything being easier than using dibble's PKGBUILD - except maybe falling off a log......
Ok kernel.install is turning into a small novel...
I've deleted all that stuff - although I can see it being useful for others.
Now I remember why I stopped compiling my own kernel, unless you rebuild every day you do not have a hope of keeping up to date
Every day? You're kidding, right? I rebuild every time iphitus puts something out - no less, no more (well, sometimes more, if I f**k it up ).
Never tried suspend or gensplash are they worth the effort
Love them both - you should have a go.
Forgive the rant just that me archck kernel broke then I read the post again now I'm feeling dumb lol
Mr Green?! Dumb?! Never.......
Well I just like breaking stuff I guess .... never had a stable system that would be waaay uncool
Yeah - that worries me sometimes though. I think I'm happiest when I have something to fix....!
Yeah - that worries me sometimes though. I think I'm happiest when I have something to fix....!
I've put off important things, like school and obligations, to fix the dumbest things with my distro - like font antialiasing, or building a package out of required software for my school even though I can just ssh into their servers and use it from there.
Yeah - that worries me sometimes though. I think I'm happiest when I have something to fix....!
@tomk could not agree more ;-)
I was messing up Wiki pkgbuild with mkinitrd stuff ....
Every Day I meant ever hour lol
Would it be wrong to break up pkgbuild into scripts ?
Anyway I'll keep an eye on archck thread
Mr Green
I was messing up Wiki pkgbuild with mkinitrd stuff ....
I've got it going now - archck with initramfs. All the init stuff happens in the .install script, and I've stuck in this useful tip from phydeaux.
Every Day I meant ever hour lol
Funny thing - I've had those kind of days building other stuff, but never with the kernel - no idea why. :?
Would it be wrong to break up pkgbuild into scripts ?
If it works for you, it's not wrong, but I can't picture it - what did you have in mind?
It just something I was thinking of taking out some of the install stuff from build & then turning into a script
errr more to the point ... pkgname patches source deps... then calling I don't know make_kernel install_kernel set-up_mkinitstuff
try at least to make kernel pkgbuilds more readable & easier to edit
Having said all that I feel you do still need the flexibility that say wiki custom pkgbuild has...
now I do not want anyone to take my views as negative I'm trying to get an idea of anything that would make something great even better
ABS is a very powerful tool & database for pkgbuilds... one of the best features of Arch ;-)
No I'm just pi$$ed that I could not get archck working but thats my fault no one elses....
I will not give up!!!
Mr Green
no.. archck was probably more my fault for the botched release. Try the new one, add it to lilo/grub, add the default initramfs line mentioned in the install message, and it should operate fine.
No its ok I updated & things are better now posted to archck thread regards kernel...
Chill Dude!!! lol
Mr Green
Pages: 1