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That's odd; it appears I'm now swimming in Lake Huron. Guess the map images must have shifted over the last couple years. Time that I acknowledge that I'll be living in Florida for awhile anyway.
Last edited by jb (2008-05-08 13:38:46)
ArchMap reborn again
Hi, I've prepared a new version of ArchMap using Google Maps JavaScript API v3, so you can access it via browser.
I wrote some php scripts which parse list from this wiki page and then generate KML file. KML file will be updated automatically every day. I also implemented simple search function.
When you click on selected marker, popup window appear containing username and optional comment (usually address).
KML file: (of course you can also download this file and load in Google Earth)
You can add yourself to list and immediately check if syntax or/and coordinates are correct using alternative "dynamic" map version without waiting for an update KML file. It parses list from wiki and then browser draws all markers, so it works extremely slow (prepare for high CPU consumption), but you should only use this map to check if data you added are fine.
Last edited by fsss (2011-02-14 18:51:26)
fsss, as far as i can tell, there are a lot of markers in completely the wrong place...
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
Hmm... But whether it's my fault or people who added wrong coordinates? I won't correct coordinates for them...
Let me know if you find any line with correct coordinates which draws in wrong place on my map. So I'll be able to investigate problem and fix it
Let me know if you find any line with correct coordinates which draws in wrong place on my map. So I'll be able to investigate problem and fix it
These are easy to test yourself i think, just click on a few markers.
P.s., what happens when people leave Arch, will they stay on your map indefinitely?
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
Hmm... But whether it's my fault or people who added wrong coordinates? I won't correct coordinates for them...
Let me know if you find any line with correct coordinates which draws in wrong place on my map. So I'll be able to investigate problem and fix it
My marker (Mektub, in Lisbon/Portugal) is correct.
Thanks, fsss
Follow me on twitter:
Added myself, turns out in the correct place on the dynamic map .
There's like a grand total of 2 people listed from Malaysia. Oh wow.
Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
jasonwryan-Installing Arch is a measure of your literacy. Maintaining Arch is a measure of your diligence. Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence.
Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.
where is the latest map verison?
where is the latest map verison?
The list is here: but is down.
is the source code for the arch map somewhere available? it would be fun to see it live again :-)
IIRC it was a Google Map and used
Edit: Yup:
One of the screenshots is still available:
Last edited by karol (2014-01-28 18:49:50)
I've thrown some stuff up on GitHub if anyone wants to take a look. It's a bit messy and undocumented at the moment though, I just wanted to see a map! Opening up the 'output.geojson' file should render a map on GitHub, failing that, there's a link to a Mapbox map in the repos
If you just want the geojson or kml files they're in the repo too.
I was unsure as to what to licence it under because it contains the text from the wiki but the code is under an MIT License.
It'd be good to get it a bit more dynamic, pull requests are always welcome! Also, the wiki could do with some updating
I'll do what I can but in the meantime, have at it!