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ahh thanks.
Does anyone else have problem with the tray bar..?
What do you have as an entry for tray_output in your ~/.i3/config file? Before the last update I had:
tray_output primary
but never actually used xrandr to define a primary output. After the last update my system tray would not show icons. Defining a primary output with xrandr, or hard coding the output into my config file like this (for my system):
tray_output DVI-I-2
solved the problem.
There were some fixes of bug reports dealing with the system tray in the last update, at least one to make QT5 work. As an aside problems I was previously having with icons sitting on top of each other in the bar are now solved with the latest update, or maybe just because of the hard code of the output. Not sure which, but they now work.
I'm trying to output my audacious stats to conky and It just outputs ${audacious_title}
out_to_x no
own_window no
out_to_console yes
background no
max_text_width 0
# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 2.0
# This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
# Set to zero to run forever.
total_run_times 0
# Shortens units to a single character (kiB->k, GiB->G, etc.). Default is off.
short_units yes
# How strict should if_up be when testing an interface for being up?
# The value is one of up, link or address, to check for the interface
# being solely up, being up and having link or being up, having link
# and an assigned IP address.
if_up_strictness address
# Add spaces to keep things from moving about? This only affects certain objects.
# use_spacer should have an argument of left, right, or none
use_spacer left
# Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
override_utf8_locale no
# number of cpu samples to average
# set to 1 to disable averaging
cpu_avg_samples 2
# Stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen
# JSON for i3bar
[{ "full_text" : " Home ${fs_free /} " , "color" : "\#9A9A9A" },
{ "full_text" : " Data ${fs_free /data} " , "color" : "\#9A9A9A" },
{ "full_text" : "Jams ${audacious_title } " , "color" : "\#9A9A9A" },
#Shows uploadspeed
{"full_text": " ▲ ${upspeed wlp3s0} ", "color":"\#9A9A9A"},
#Shows downloadspeed
{"full_text": " ▼ ${downspeed wlp3s0} ", "color":"\#9A9A9A"},
#Shows current memory usage with a bar
{"full_text": " || $membar ${memperc}% ", "color":"\#9A9A9A"},
#Shows current CPU usage with a bar
{"full_text": " ■ $cpubar ", "color":"\#9A9A9A"},
All the other values output properly....
Any ideas?
@ rudylorren, does conky display the title when run directly?
Looks like you have a missing ']' useless you do not paste correctly
Mr Green
i switched from awesome to i3 about a week ago... had a few hiccups but find it easy as pie to config compared to awesome and very much loving the window manager. ill probably spin through this thread and find some decent tweaks to add... but i3 is amazing so far
just wanted to say
Last edited by VanillaFunk (2014-01-16 23:03:59)
Hm, I can't install the latest i3-wm update because of a bad signature. archlinux-keyring is up-to-date.
error: i3-wm: signature from "Thorsten Töpper <>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/i3-wm-4.7.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] Y
There is a new j4-dmenu-desktop release, r2.9
r2.9 released 2014-01-25
+ added test suite, travis integration
+ fixed $XDG_DATA_HOME being ignored
+ fixed wrong ordering of default search paths
+ support shell aliases
Hello all, I just wanted to chime in as I've freshly joined the tiling window manager clan. After developing much love for Cinnamon, I've been on a quest for lighter applications lately and and found a great "technical" endeavor in making this change. Should be fun :-)
Should be fun :-)
I tried many tiling managers and i3 is the only one I could get used to. Basically, I would never have left Openbox, but it has (or had) a problem with window decoration and automatic size settings with width-% and heigth-%, pytile didn't work as I wanted and Compiz was more or less dead. Compiz actually had very good manual tiling capabilities, I simply used Win+numpad to move a Window to the right corner of the screen.
compared to wm like awesome or xmonad the config files are really easy to set up ... after leaving awesome its such a breeze so not a bad one to start on if you are new to tilingwm
Yea, i was playing with awesome and bout had a nervous breakdown... again.. I'm still grinding through the i3 configs, but at least I can wrap my head around it. Otherwise its like giving up your koosh DE, and oh by the way need to learn python while your at it :-D
I'm another newbie to i3. LOL, I don't even know enough about it yet to ask any questions.
I'm another newbie to i3. LOL, I don't even know enough about it yet to ask any questions.
^^ True words my friend!
Last edited by grandtheftjiujitsu (2014-01-31 03:02:43)
ratcheer wrote:I'm another newbie to i3. LOL, I don't even know enough about it yet to ask any questions.
^^ True words my friend!
I don't know if anyone is interested, but one thing I've never liked about i3 (the only thing actually) is that the workspace next/prev commands only work if there are other workspaces open. Sometimes I just want to open up the next workspace, regardless of the number. I don't have statically named workspaces nor do I assign apps on specific workspaces - I just name them as I go, either manually through an i3-input command or through a 'for_window' rule defined for an app. So I've written a small python script that cycles through your workspaces using the 'i3-msg workspace number $' command, so it doesn't care if the workspace is open or not. I've also implemented some wraparound, so if it tries to open a workspace that isn't defined it'll go back around to the first valid workspace (eg from 9 to 0). It accepts '+' or '-' as an argument to indicate the direction to cycle in.
A couple of caveats to using the script: You'll need i3-py-git. You'll also need to configure your workspaces as I have.
# switch to workspace
bindsym $mod+0 workspace number 0
bindsym $mod+1 workspace number 1
bindsym $mod+2 workspace number 2
bindsym $mod+3 workspace number 3
bindsym $mod+4 workspace number 4
bindsym $mod+5 workspace number 5
bindsym $mod+6 workspace number 6
bindsym $mod+7 workspace number 7
bindsym $mod+8 workspace number 8
bindsym $mod+9 workspace number 9
#keep workspaces split evenly among monitors
workspace 0 output VGA1
workspace 1 output VGA1
workspace 2 output VGA1
workspace 3 output VGA1
workspace 4 output VGA1
workspace 5 output LVDS1
workspace 6 output LVDS1
workspace 7 output LVDS1
workspace 8 output LVDS1
workspace 9 output LVDS1
Of course, you should tweak the script to suit your needs. What follows is some really shaky python, but it's my first time using python so be gentle. Feel free to hate/criticize/like/use/modify the script as you please.
#!/usr/bin/env python3.3
import os
import i3
import sys
import operator
def switch_workspace(opr, lower, upper):
#do the operation
#wrap around if necessary
if new_ws > upper:
new_ws = lower
elif new_ws < lower:
new_ws = upper
cmd="workspace number %s" % new_ws
def focused_ws_num():
for workspace in workspaces:
if workspace['focused']:
return int(workspace['name'].split(':')[0])
def focused_output():
for workspace in workspaces:
if workspace['focused']:
return workspace['output']
#don't do anything if no operator argument has been passed
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Need to pass an operator argument")
#call switch_workspace with upper and lower bounds based on connected screens
if os.popen('''xrandr | grep "HDMI1 connected"''').read() == "" and \
os.popen('''xrandr | grep "VGA1 connected"''').read() == "" :
switch_workspace(sys.argv[1], 0, 9)
#upper and lower bounds depends on the screen
if focused_output() == "LVDS1":
switch_workspace(sys.argv[1], 5, 9)
switch_workspace(sys.argv[1], 0, 4)
Last edited by cris9288 (2014-02-10 03:09:28)
I thought I'd share this small snippet of i3 configuration with you.
It's the MPD mode for i3.
Why a separate mode?
Because there are already many keybindings to remember.
When you enter the 'mpd' mode, the control is more or less instinctive.
You will need to have mpc installed.
# mpd mode
mode "mpd" {
# let's save some typing
set $mpc exec --no-startup-id mpc
# > - next track
bindcode Shift+60 $mpc next
# < - previous track
bindcode Shift+59 $mpc prev
# p, Space - play/pause toggle
bindsym p $mpc toggle
bindcode 65 $mpc toggle
# P - play
bindsym Shift+p $mpc play
# s - stop
bindsym s $mpc stop
# c - clear playlist
bindsym c $mpc clear
# seek using arrow keys, like in mplayer
bindsym Left $mpc seek -15
bindsym Right $mpc seek +15
bindsym Up $mpc seek +60
bindsym Down $mpc seek -60
bindsym Shift+Left $mpc seek -1
bindsym Shift+Right $mpc seek +1
bindsym Shift+Up $mpc seek +5
bindsym Shift+Down $mpc seek -5
# seek in % using number keys
bindsym 0 $mpc seek 0%
bindsym 1 $mpc seek 10%
bindsym 2 $mpc seek 20%
bindsym 3 $mpc seek 30%
bindsym 4 $mpc seek 40%
bindsym 5 $mpc seek 50%
bindsym 6 $mpc seek 60%
bindsym 7 $mpc seek 70%
bindsym 8 $mpc seek 80%
bindsym 9 $mpc seek 90%
# back to normal mode: Enter, Escape or q
# you might not want to use all of these
bindsym q mode "default"
bindsym Return mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
# Shift + i displays a notification with details of currently playing song / mpd status
bindsym Shift+i exec --no-startup-id notify-send --urgency=low --expire-time=5000 "`mpc status`"
# Enter mpd mode
bindsym $mod+m mode "mpd"
Improvements/suggestions are very welcome.
Edit: added suggestions by dom0 and progandy. Also added a song info/mpd status notification after pressing Shift + i. Requires libnotify
Last edited by naglis (2014-03-07 16:33:42)
# seek using arrow keys, like in mplayer
bindcode 113 $mpc seek -15
bindcode 114 $mpc seek +15
bindcode 111 $mpc seek -60
bindcode 116 $mpc seek +60
You can use Left/Down/Right/Up for the same effect.
Also, space would be an apt choice for toggle (play/pause).
PgUp/PgDown for prev/next track
Last edited by dom0 (2014-02-13 21:40:29)
Improvements/suggestions are very welcome.
I like it simple without a new mode, so I put all important mpc commands on the Super+Alt+{space, c, v, b, n, m} = {toggle play, stop, pause, back, next, exec mpd}
For seeking, add ctrl and shift modifiers to back and next.
| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |
Is there any way to get an app like volti to make a system tray icon which I can use to poweroff/reboot/suspend? I currently have a python script that makes a whole window, but it's a bit cumbersome. I've also tried xfce4 power manager but it's suspend doesn't work like systemctl suspend and does some weird stuff
How about a dmenu? I use this one:
Ah, as long as I have the keyboard I can simply type systemctl suspend, I need something that can be used with mouse-only.
Patching/Rewriting dmenu for mouse support is something I have on my todo list for a long time
i use a custom mode....
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams