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I want to set up cyrillic font in my concole.
because console map is not configured via rc.conf i put this command in my rc.local file:
setfont koi8u_8x16 -m koi8-u_to_uni -C /dev/vc/1
(console 1 just for testing)
Font is loaded but console map not.
Everything is OK from command line, but i want to automate this process.
Can somebody explain me what may be wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Isn't there a CONSOLEMAP variable in rc.conf?
Isn't there a CONSOLEMAP variable in rc.conf?
Nope. it is also not present rc.sysinit where CONSOLEFONT is set.
My rc.conf contains both variables. (and it work)
it does not work with CONSOLEMAP.
The thing is - setfont -m does not load map from rc.sysinit or rc.local scripts.
But when i run it manually - everything works OK.
From rc.sysinit
if [ "$CONSOLEFONT" != "" ]; then
stat_busy "Loading Console Font: $CONSOLEFONT"
for i in `seq 1 12`; do
if [ "$CONSOLEMAP" != "" ]; then
/usr/bin/setfont -m $CONSOLEMAP $CONSOLEFONT -C /dev/vc/${i}
/usr/bin/setfont $CONSOLEFONT -C /dev/vc/${i}
echo -ne "e(K" >/dev/vc/${i}
Looks an awful lot to me like, if you define CONSOLEMAP in rc.conf, rc.sysinit will handle it the same way you do in rc.local..
$ pacman -Qi initscripts
Name : initscripts
Version : 0.7.1-17
What version of initscripts do you have?
-=edit=- Oh, you're saying it doesn't work from ANY initscripts... dunno why that would be. Maybe it's the order things occur in the initscripts? Something later on wipes out the consolemap? Any initscripts gurus present? -=/edit=-
Looks an awful lot to me like, if you define CONSOLEMAP in rc.conf, rc.sysinit will handle it the same way you do in rc.local..
What version of initscripts do you have?
Thanks for direction . I have older version which i installed with Arch 0.7, so this scripts do not contain any $CONSOLEMAP handling.
The only difference is I didn't echo "magic sequence" to activate user map. But "man setfont" says it does it anyway.
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