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#1 2006-01-23 16:30:11

From: London, UK
Registered: 2006-01-10
Posts: 60

Can't make aterm really maximize in OpenBox

This is a bit hard to explain, but maybe someone will know what I'm talking about.  Basically, if I maximize a window like Firefox, Xfe, or pretty much anything else, it goes truly full screen.  But when I maximize a terminal window, there is a little bit of space between the edge of the screen and the terminal, at least with aterm, gnome-terminal, looks like mrxvt and eterm as well.  The only real issue is that if I have this open over, e.g., Firefox, sometimes it will be really slow.  Like it will redraw line by line reaaaally slowly.  I'm not sure whether this is the compositing, or the animation (Firefox has the little loader thing up in the corner that partially shows, even though I have recently removed this).  What I really want is for aterm to truly maximize, as I feel that it is the 6 or 8 pixels on the edges of the screen that makes it so much slower.  Note that if I have it at the size it opens at, it is always fast, no matter what it is over, and if it is over the regular desktop maximized or only other terminals it is also fast.

OpenBox 3.3-devel
rox (pinboard only)
Only apps I ever really use are aterm, Xfe, Firefox/Dillo, occasionally OO writer or Abiword, the rest I pretty much do from terminals (mpd, bsflite, bitchx, etc), I notice the slowdown most with Firefox behind a terminal

Does anyone else have a similar problem?


#2 2006-01-23 16:33:54

Registered: 2005-02-24
Posts: 410

Re: Can't make aterm really maximize in OpenBox

This is because when you try resizing a terminal window, it resizes according to the font you are using. I can't maximize windows either like that.

I seriously doubt that the extra pixels slows down at all, though. More likely, it is the fact that you're working in a maximized terminal ;-)


#3 2006-01-23 16:36:05

From: London, UK
Registered: 2006-01-10
Posts: 60

Re: Can't make aterm really maximize in OpenBox

Hmmm, so there is nothing that can be done to make this work quickly?  I guess I will just have to set the default size bigger and work in a large rather than maximized term.  I'd prefer maximized though heh.

edit: I am actually pretty sure that it's not just the maximized terminal, because it really does work quickly maximized sometimes but not others.  I'll try to pin down what causes it.


#4 2006-01-23 18:23:07

From: Edinburgh, uk
Registered: 2004-07-08
Posts: 237

Re: Can't make aterm really maximize in OpenBox

The terminal window size is has to be a multiple of your font dimensions plus any window decoration - it's not likely that you'd find a font that fit perfectly, so maximizing will almost always leave gaps.


#5 2006-01-23 19:41:00

Registered: 2005-12-31
Posts: 52

Re: Can't make aterm really maximize in OpenBox

Depending on the size of your monitor, fonts, you would have to play with the geometry numbers. The first # deals with horizontal and the second with the vertical ones.

Here's my ~/.Xresources:

aterm*background: black
aterm*foreground: yellow
aterm*geometry: 99x40
aterm*scrollBar: true
aterm*leftScrollBar: true
aterm*saveLines: 20000
aterm*cursorColor: yellow
aterm*font: -sony-fixed-medium-*-normal-*-17-120-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1

i'm using a 17" monitor and icewm, with openbox as my secondary wm, on a slow box PII 266 with 128 MB RAM. Firefox did not slow down, nor xfe or gliv.


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