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I run a server that I use when I give a "intro to bash" workshop at my school
I allow a guest user to login; but a "smart" user, or one aware of fork-bombing could easily detonate one on my server. I have the limits for the guest user pretty tight, so they really cant any damage.
I was just wondering if there was a way to actually detect a fork-bomb detonation?
The problem with fork bombs is that they look a like a genuine program creating a lot of subprocesses.
Maybe install the auditd daemon?
fs/super.c : "Self-destruct in 5 seconds. Have a nice day...\n",
Try limit the number of processes. … -user.html … management
$> cat /etc/security/limits.conf
* hard nproc 1000
Last edited by ivoarch (2014-02-19 10:59:39)
Malware wiki links to a (very old) kernel patch.
Add any useful info to Arch wiki
Try limit the number of processes. … -user.html … management$> cat /etc/security/limits.conf * hard nproc 1000
Yeah I know how to protect against it, but it would be nice if i could somehow detect when its going on.
If there was some kind of tool that could moniter the rate of new proc's by a user, and if its above a certain threshold, then we know its some kind of bad program or a bomb
Google is no help tho
from malware wiki:
Another solution, not widely practised, involves the detection of fork bombs by the operating system. The Linux kernel module called rexFBD[5] implements this strategy.
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