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so i am just getting into building servers etc and one applicatioin i need to install for work is in the C++ code asking for mysql.h
being that we have mariadb as the dfault i have that installed
by question is do i have a different .h file i should be using and need to replace in all the code or am i missing something else (hopefully the later)
thank you all im just not exactly sure where to start looking for all this
$ pkgfile -v mysql.h
extra/libmariadbclient 5.5.35-1 /usr/include/mysql/mysql.h
Try using the one you have now and see if it works.
i get an error from the compiler saying fatal error mysql.h no such file or directory
perhaps i am missing apackage however i have aphpbb database and a functioning mail server so i dont believe i am missing anything
Do you have libmariadbclient installed?
just double checked yea i do
any information i can give you to help sort this out so your not thinking blind?
Here are some things to double check:
Does "/usr/include/mysql/mysql.h" exist on your computer like it does on karol's?
What is specifically being included in the source code? "mysql.h"? "mysql/mysql.h"?
What command are you using to compile the software?
For completeness, you can also post the offending line of code and the exact error message.
pkgfile -v mysql.h
extra/libmariadbclient 5.5.36-1 /usr/include/mysql/mysql.h
second question ... neither... its <mysql.h> if it were "" i would have found it in local files i believe
currently using codeblocks to compile... still looking through to see if i have to include the directory some where in the settings. i will continue that when i wake up but for now i cant think of anything else it could be
--edit of all my work i havent had an issue with setting extra included folders so that may be it however it seems a little odd to me that would be the case
Last edited by VanillaFunk (2014-02-27 15:08:05)
I'd rather you run 'ls -l /usr/include/mysql/mysql.h'.
its <mysql.h>
When I program using the Allegro library I need to use this code:
#include <allegro5/allegro.h>
to include this file:
That would be my guess as to what's wrong, but I don't really know.
@Karol as for ownership it is owned by root root
ill look into this further unfortunatly i guess my work uses VS12 and informed me today that i was needing to use that.... thank god for vbox and hello grr thread.
@drcouzelis ill give that a shot too see what happens
thanks for the responses guys i would like to solve this so dont take the vs12 comment as [solved]