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#1 2014-03-04 06:28:23

Registered: 2014-03-04
Posts: 2

Masking myself behind my VPS (without NAT)

Please help me get this working.

I have  a VPS running Arch (while i finish my testing).
This VPS has one ether adapter ... its a VM  box running on VMware virtualization. Ok so it works and there's no issues.

What I want to do: on my home PC i want to connect to the VPS and i'd like to think I am asking about bridging because essentially I want my PC to mask itself in the IP of the VPS.

I am trying to stay away from DHCP and NAT.

My brain is not coming up with a solution on

But then how would I connect to the VPS? i guess SSH tunneling? but thats limited. how do i make my whole windows pc proxy through that? only a browser and some program will accept a proxy config. (again without nat'ing)

Should I ask for another IP/ether port on my VPS, vpn into that and then output from the second adapter? But then again I am trying to stay away from NAT/DHCP and even worse openvpn which will slow me dramatically with this "encryption" ...

So... is what i am asking for do'able?
Please help!


#2 2014-03-04 07:01:27

Registered: 2011-08-16
Posts: 1,456

Re: Masking myself behind my VPS (without NAT)

twocows wrote:

I want my PC to mask itself in the IP of the VPS.

twocows wrote:

I am trying to stay away from DHCP and NAT.

So which is it? That's basically hide-NAT which you're describing there.

Other than that, take a look at tunneling all traffic through an ssh tunnel or Openvpn as you mentioned.



#3 2014-03-04 07:04:39

Registered: 2014-03-04
Posts: 2

Re: Masking myself behind my VPS (without NAT)

Gcool wrote:
twocows wrote:

I want my PC to mask itself in the IP of the VPS.

twocows wrote:

I am trying to stay away from DHCP and NAT.

So which is it? That's basically hide-NAT which you're describing there.

Other than that, take a look at tunneling all traffic through an ssh tunnel or Openvpn as you mentioned.

I suppose you're correct.

Hiding myself is considered nat. howabout we rephrase that.
lets say "sitting next to my IP and using it?"....

I already am aware of OpenVPN and i am using that on my VPS. its slow. and annoying.
SSH tunneling i am also very familiar with...

What about the idea of a second ether and a new IP on my VPS?

I am thinking maybe the VPS is getting screwed with only one adaptor taking traffic in, then outputting ... all from one source.


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