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still learning my new environment archlinux/kde and trying to get back some habits from lubuntu.
I was used to do 2 things from pcmanfm.
1 - open a smb directory in a console
This does not work
when I try on command line using smbclient I get
params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "/etc/samba/smb.conf":
The file indeed does not exists
Shouldn't be one by default?
2 - open a file from smb directory directly with handbrake
This work but is it very slow as it copy the file locally in the cache, on lubuntu it was possible and very fast though smb without copying the actual file in cache.
Any idea how it was done?
Thanks for helping
Maybe create an empty /etc/samba/smb.conf? Could be a small programming 'oversight'.
fs/super.c : "Self-destruct in 5 seconds. Have a nice day...\n",
I ended up to install anyway samba. Still when opening a console in a smb share though dolphin using f4 or shift f4, it opens in my home directory not in current directory.
You could navigate to your gvfs through /var/run/user/$uid/gvfs and try there.
fs/super.c : "Self-destruct in 5 seconds. Have a nice day...\n",
Tried but did not found anything there.
Actually what I would like to do is as simple as:
- click right on samba directory in dolphine -> Actions -> Open Terminal here
It works for local directory and have seen it in pcmanfm in lubuntu
I guess KDE is using it's own (FUSE?) backend for communicating with remote locations.
Maybe just reinstall pcmanfm?
fs/super.c : "Self-destruct in 5 seconds. Have a nice day...\n",
Tried pcmanfm in arch but setup was not there ... Will look into fuse. Thx
I don't understand. What do you mean 'setup was not there'? You probably also need to isntall some gvfs components.
fs/super.c : "Self-destruct in 5 seconds. Have a nice day...\n",
I meant I did not see the option to open a console in pcmanfm .... I will try again. I would like anyway to get it working on dolphin or konqueror.
Last edited by kamelie1706 (2014-03-07 02:06:27)
pcmanfm is installed now. Actually the console option is there for local directories but "grey out" for samba shared directories. gvfs is installed.
Seems kde guys do not even want to hear about it
Last edited by kamelie1706 (2014-03-07 10:58:29)
ok now I understood how it could work:
- first I navigate though pcmanfm to the directory
- open a console
- go manually /var/run/user/$uid/gvfs
=> just need to understand how to integrate this nicely
Tried same by replacing pcmanfm by dolphin and the directory does not get mounted in gvfs
for now overcome this by managing mounting with smb4k, funny they have not integrated smb4k with dolphin in a transparent way ....
I used to connect to samba shares in KDE using the following:
Then, once I got a connection ( after you enter your password) I would make a link to the Dolphin side bar, so I can click on an icon to open the share.
Hope this helps.
thx can you open the share in konsole?
No... that I know of.
edit: I just noticed ( ) that you seem to *only* care to use Samba via the CLI.
Last edited by ralvez (2014-03-08 21:35:18)