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Hi - just made a start with trying to login to my work network using pptp as per the wiki here … pptpclient
Ive installed 'pptpclient' and fell at the first hurdle after passing over my details to pptpclient
# pptpsetup --create work --server workipaddrress --username remote --password mypass --encrypt
sh: strings: command not found
/usr/bin/pptpsetup: couldn't find MPPE support in pppd
Ive googled this error and am gone dizzy....
Anyone got pptp working with pptpclient?
Last edited by cpcnw2 (2014-03-15 18:27:06)
$ pkgfile strings
Do you have binutils installed?
Hi - I installed binutils - now this command works!
# pptpsetup --create work --server workipaddrress --username remote --password mypass --encrypt
and followed by ;
# ip route add dev ppp0
gets me through to the remote network
I have put both in a script so that its easy to 'connect' when I need to and also one to disconnect / delete the tunnel ie
# ip route del dev ppp0
# pptpsetup --delete work
Delete work lol if only!
Last edited by cpcnw2 (2014-03-15 18:20:17)
spoke a little too soon ... the connection keeps dying on me.... how to log / diagnose?
Oddly what seems to trigger the dropped / stale connection is accessing the server manager page of an SME Server at the site or an Nas4Free server webmin page.
SSH connections stay up fine....
What I have noticed is that when creating the tunnel I get this message;
cannot determine ethernet address for proxy ARP
not sure what that really means but tried netsurf and midori so far and use of both for remote admin resluts in a stale connect.
Last edited by cpcnw2 (2014-03-15 19:27:30)