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I have a low-end box (512 MB RAM, 1 processor, 15 GB hard disk, 2 TB / month bandwith, Arch Linux) , and I connect to it by SSH. Currently I use it for uploading / downloading stuff, and video encoding. My problem is when I transcode the video by FFmpeg - it takes long time, about 8 hours - and when I hibernate my home machine, the FFmpeg process aborts on the remote box and the resulting video file will be truncated. What can I do to avoid this annoyance?
What happens if I press Ctrl+Z and then I type "bg". The process will run in background, will it abort when I hibernate or simply close the SSH window?
Thx, but where should I run Screen, on my home computer, or on the remote low-end box?
Where you want the long running process to live...
When your client hibernates, the ssh connection times out and the remote's ssh client session is terminated. This sends a SIGHUP to all the child processes, to which the default reaction is termination. The 2 most common ways to deal with this are either the 'nohup' command (`man 1 nohup`) (which I personally dislike and try to avoid because its default behavior is to send stdout/err to 'nohup.out'), or running the commands in a tmux/screen session, which is something you should learn/know about either way. The moment you start using ssh is the moment you lose every right to argue against screen/tmux (even for local work they're perfectly useful tools)
My personal favourite is tmux.
Last edited by Blµb (2014-03-24 11:25:03)
You know you're paranoid when you start thinking random letters while typing a password.
A good post about vim
Python has no multithreading.