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#1 2013-12-11 12:00:58

From: terminated.
Registered: 2010-05-17
Posts: 54

Arch Server - ejabberd crashing

Hi everyone.

I recently switched one of my servers from debian (raspbian) to arch arm.
The version of ejabberd I used under the old OS was running just fine but it was outdated and caused minor problems with some clients.
Meaning, I've got the right srv records set, server answers if you ping it.
The last config file I had was written in erlang, I copied old values and debugged the new ejabberd.yml as far as I could, no more "syntax error on line XYZ" appear, but now it is a different error I can't find anything about when I start ejabberd in live modus:

(many Progress Reports until all of the sudden: )

=CRASH REPORT==== 11-Dec-2013::12:13:51 ===
    initial call: application_master:init/4
    pid: <0.39.0>
    registered_name: []
    exception exit: {bad_return,{{ejabberd_app,start,[normal,[]]},
      in function  application_master:init/4 (application_master.erl, line 133)
    ancestors: [<0.38.0>]
    messages: []
    links: [<0.38.0>,<0.40.0>,<0.7.0>]
    dictionary: []
    trap_exit: true
    status: running
    heap_size: 610
    stack_size: 27
    reductions: 96
12:13:51.303 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.39.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: {undefined_macro,''} in application_master:init/4 line 133
12:13:51.304 [info] Application ejabberd exited with reason: {undefined_macro,''}

(ignore the 1970s, the date has been set correctly now) the ownerships are as following:

$ sudo ls -l  /etc/ejabberd/
total 84
-rw-r----- 1 root ejabberd 14054 Dec 11 12:13 ejabberd.yml
-rw-r----- 1 root root     13659 Jan  1  1970 ejabberd.yml.bak
-rw-r----- 1 root ejabberd 14057 Dec 10 19:22
-rw-r----- 1 root ejabberd  4677 Dec 10 20:15 ejabberdctl.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       117 Dec 10 19:46 inetrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       111 Jan  1  1970 inetrc.bak
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       485 Dec 10 02:27 pyicq.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       485 Dec 10 02:27 pyicq.xml.bak
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     10673 May 14  2013 pyicq_example.xml

nodename equals the sub.domain.tld name AND is defined in /etc/hosts but not the hostname in /etc/hostname. I'm not sure about how ejabberd relates to /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts, before switching to arch it worked okay without defining.

/etc/hosts looks similar like this:       jabber.domain.tld        shortname-1       shortname-1.domain.tld      shortname-1       localhost.localdomain    localhost


FQDN in ejabberd.yml is set to jabber.domain.tld and is set in the ejabberdctl config to be ejabberd@jabber.domain.tld

I'd be really glad if someone could help me figure out where the problem is.


starting ejabberdctl live as an normal user (groups: users, wheel) displays this:

{error_logger,{{2013,12,11},{14,16,5}},std_error,"File operation error: eacces. Target: /etc/ejabberd/inetrc. Function: get_file. Process: kernel_sup."}
{error_logger,{{2013,12,11},{14,16,5}},"inet_config: file ~ts not found~n",["/etc/ejabberd/inetrc"]}
{error_logger,{{2013,12,11},{14,16,5}},"Error when reading /var/lib/ejabberd/.erlang.cookie: eacces",[]}
{error_logger,{{2013,12,11},{14,16,5}},crash_report,[[{initial_call,{auth,init,['Argument__1']}},{pid,<0.20.0>},{registered_name,[]},{error_info,{exit,{"Error when reading /var/lib/ejabberd/.erlang.cookie: eacces",[{auth,init_cookie,0,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,285}]},{auth,init,1,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,139}]},{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,304}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,239}]}]},[{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,328}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,239}]}]}},{ancestors,[net_sup,kernel_sup,<0.10.0>]},{messages,[]},{links,[<0.18.0>]},{dictionary,[]},{trap_exit,true},{status,running},{heap_size,610},{stack_size,27},{reductions,671}],[]]}
{error_logger,{{2013,12,11},{14,16,5}},supervisor_report,[{supervisor,{local,net_sup}},{errorContext,start_error},{reason,{"Error when reading /var/lib/ejabberd/.erlang.cookie: eacces",[{auth,init_cookie,0,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,285}]},{auth,init,1,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,139}]},{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,304}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,239}]}]}},{offender,[{pid,undefined},{name,auth},{mfargs,{auth,start_link,[]}},{restart_type,permanent},{shutdown,2000},{child_type,worker}]}]}
{error_logger,{{2013,12,11},{14,16,5}},supervisor_report,[{supervisor,{local,kernel_sup}},{errorContext,start_error},{reason,{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,auth,{"Error when reading /var/lib/ejabberd/.erlang.cookie: eacces",[{auth,init_cookie,0,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,285}]},{auth,init,1,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,139}]},{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,304}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,239}]}]}}}},{offender,[{pid,undefined},{name,net_sup},{mfargs,{erl_distribution,start_link,[]}},{restart_type,permanent},{shutdown,infinity},{child_type,supervisor}]}]}
{error_logger,{{2013,12,11},{14,16,5}},crash_report,[[{initial_call,{application_master,init,['Argument__1','Argument__2','Argument__3','Argument__4']}},{pid,<0.9.0>},{registered_name,[]},{error_info,{exit,{{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,net_sup,{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,auth,{"Error when reading /var/lib/ejabberd/.erlang.cookie: eacces",[{auth,init_cookie,0,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,285}]},{auth,init,1,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,139}]},{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,304}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,239}]}]}}}}},{kernel,start,[normal,[]]}},[{application_master,init,4,[{file,"application_master.erl"},{line,133}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,239}]}]}},{ancestors,[<0.8.0>]},{messages,[{'EXIT',<0.10.0>,normal}]},{links,[<0.8.0>,<0.7.0>]},{dictionary,[]},{trap_exit,true},{status,running},{heap_size,610},{stack_size,27},{reductions,181}],[]]}
{error_logger,{{2013,12,11},{14,16,5}},std_info,[{application,kernel},{exited,{{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,net_sup,{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,auth,{"Error when reading /var/lib/ejabberd/.erlang.cookie: eacces",[{auth,init_cookie,0,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,285}]},{auth,init,1,[{file,"auth.erl"},{line,139}]},{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,304}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,239}]}]}}}}},{kernel,start,[normal,[]]}}},{type,permanent}]}
{"Kernel pid terminated",application_controller,"{application_start_failure,kernel,{{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,net_sup,{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,auth,{\"Error when reading /var/lib/ejabberd/.erlang.cookie: eacces\",[{auth,init_cookie,0,[{file,\"auth.erl\"},{line,285}]},{auth,init,1,[{file,\"auth.erl\"},{line,139}]},{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,\"gen_server.erl\"},{line,304}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,\"proc_lib.erl\"},{line,239}]}]}}}}},{kernel,start,[normal,[]]}}}"}
Kernel pid terminated (application_controller) ({application_start_failure,kernel,{{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,net_sup,{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,auth,{"Error when reading /var/lib/ejabbe

Last edited by gpunkt (2013-12-11 13:28:45)


#2 2014-03-31 13:51:15

From: Argentina
Registered: 2009-04-02
Posts: 5

Re: Arch Server - ejabberd crashing

i have the same issue, did you solve it?


#3 2014-03-31 16:21:39

From: Argentina
Registered: 2009-04-02
Posts: 5

Re: Arch Server - ejabberd crashing

I've tried again using the default files, and in my case  the issue has been solved.


#4 2014-07-03 21:12:15

From: terminated.
Registered: 2010-05-17
Posts: 54

Re: Arch Server - ejabberd crashing

yeah I know, don't activate dead threads, however I've been absent for a while from the wire:
I'll give it another try as soon as I have some other stuff figured out IF I go again for ejabberd. Thanks!


#5 2014-07-04 05:52:07

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,354

Re: Arch Server - ejabberd crashing

gpunkt wrote:

yeah I know, don't activate dead threads, however I've been absent for a while from the wire:

Yeah, but one of the big reasons for that is that original poster has often moved on and does not care anymore.  Unless the OP is schizophrenic, I doubt that is a problem here tongue

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way


#6 2014-07-04 12:29:37

From: terminated.
Registered: 2010-05-17
Posts: 54

Re: Arch Server - ejabberd crashing

Is this sarcasm? I can't figure out right now.
It was about an ejabberd problem and I'm the OP so somehow if I'm able to solve the problem I should post the solution here and spare the database some more lines of code I'd use when I would open an new thread wink


#7 2014-07-04 13:07:30

From: Connecticut, USA
Registered: 2009-11-09
Posts: 4,092

Re: Arch Server - ejabberd crashing

ewaller means you made a good decision to post in this thread. smile

As for ejabberd, this is a little off topic but... I had to setup a chat client a while back. I chose XMPP and the "jabberd14" server. It works but has always been a little flaky (buddies not being authorized correctly, duplicate buddies...). I recently switched everyone to IRC using the "ngircd" server. It was a breeze to setup, I haven't found any little quirks in it yet, and the people who use Pidgin don't really see a difference between the two servers. smile


#8 2014-07-04 19:56:39

From: terminated.
Registered: 2010-05-17
Posts: 54

Re: Arch Server - ejabberd crashing

drcouzelis wrote:

ewaller means you made a good decision to post in this thread. smile

As for ejabberd, this is a little off topic but... I had to setup a chat client a while back. I chose XMPP and the "jabberd14" server. It works but has always been a little flaky (buddies not being authorized correctly, duplicate buddies...). I recently switched everyone to IRC using the "ngircd" server. It was a breeze to setup, I haven't found any little quirks in it yet, and the people who use Pidgin don't really see a difference between the two servers. smile

Hm okay, thanks.
This is IRC server software. how could this, without plugins, be any similar to the xmpp protocol? I don't find very much other than "lightweight jabber server" about this software...
I had an relative shitty living experience last time so I couldn't continue to set up the jabber project. When it's possible to get 99% uptime (where ever I locate this, home or external) one use (amongst private communication) could be the live-communication part of the work-in-progress community of an friend of mine.


#9 2014-07-05 01:47:20

From: Connecticut, USA
Registered: 2009-11-09
Posts: 4,092

Re: Arch Server - ejabberd crashing

gpunkt wrote:

This is IRC server software. how could this, without plugins, be any similar to the xmpp protocol?

Both IRC servers and XMPP servers provide person-to-person chat, chatrooms, file transfer, and so on.

There are many IRC clients, but if you configure Pidgin to use IRC it just looks like any other buddy list.


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