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#1 2014-04-02 11:49:34

From: my computer
Registered: 2007-08-19
Posts: 1,532

Route upset at boot time, systemd will it fix?

I have at home a desktop computer, which I set as a server for the family.
At the beginning all traffic was trough the router-modem, but that was a bottleneck. Then I added an AP that is connected to the server via ethernet. The AP is able to handle incoming DHCP request and it is thought to serve the local traffic, even the server is giving internet access.

The server uses NetworkManager to prepare the internet connection, but actually it fails every reboot time.
Every times I do

# route del default eth0
# route add default gw wlan0

This puts the things back, to send the internet requests to the router (, while the AP has IP manually set on the eth0.

One more problem arise from the security setup, that I arranged with privoxy >tor>pdns > internet. Privoxy fail start in a proper order then I need to restart it manually.

So I thought to rearrange the whole setup in a manner and order which won't fail, by systemd operations. The only probable problem is around the router DHCP, but is set to give a fixed IP to the server.
Hoping some suggestion, thanks.

do it good first, it will be faster than do it twice the saint wink


#2 2014-04-02 23:25:05

Registered: 2010-04-03
Posts: 3,424

Re: Route upset at boot time, systemd will it fix?

You might need to setup this with netctl.

I may have to CONSOLE you about your usage of ridiculously easy graphical interfaces...
Look ma, no mouse.


#3 2014-04-03 04:43:12

From: my computer
Registered: 2007-08-19
Posts: 1,532

Re: Route upset at boot time, systemd will it fix?

I started to study the option.
Does this mean to remove all NetworkManager's stuff, then?

do it good first, it will be faster than do it twice the saint wink


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