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I am connecting to a network using network manager and vpnc
i have the following active
ModemManager.service loaded active running Modem Manager
NetworkManager.service loaded active running Network Manager
wpa_supplicant.service loaded active running WPA supplicant
I have the same behavior when i establish the session via console vpnc or via network manager vpnc in KDE4.
Also same behavior on wifi or on ethernet
I am able to establish the vpn connection just fine.
I can ssh to a server on the remote network.
I can run some basic commands, like sudo, change directories, ls etc.
But whenever I run a command that returns more than a few lines, it returns the first few lines then freezes up mid way through.
I have ubuntu running with identical vpnc set up which doesnt seem to have this problem
VPNC setup:
vendor: Cisco
Encryption: None
NAT traversal: Cisco UDP
IDE DG Group: DH Group 2
Perfect Forward Secrecty: Server
Disable dead peer detection checked
Also in IPv4 routes i have nothing added but Use only for resources on this connection checked.
Anyone experience something similar?
I'm at a loss :-(
Last edited by tompechar (2014-03-06 10:48:49)
Finally figured this out. needed to adjust the mtu size
my wireless interface was set to 1500
my vpn tunnel was defaulting to 1412
set manually to 1350 using vpnc --ifmtu 1350
cisco vpn using vpnc to datacenter works great now.
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