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#1 2014-03-06 10:47:31

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 2

vpnc problems

I am connecting to a network using network manager and vpnc

i have the following active

ModemManager.service                       loaded active running Modem Manager
NetworkManager.service                     loaded active running Network Manager
wpa_supplicant.service                     loaded active running WPA supplicant

I have the same behavior when i establish the session via console vpnc or via network manager vpnc in KDE4.

Also same behavior on wifi or on ethernet

I am able to establish the vpn connection just fine.

I can ssh to a server on the remote network.

I can run some basic commands, like sudo, change directories, ls etc.

But whenever I run a command that returns more than a few lines, it returns the first few lines then freezes up mid way through.

I have ubuntu running with identical vpnc set up which doesnt seem to have this problem

VPNC setup:

vendor: Cisco
Encryption: None
NAT traversal: Cisco UDP
IDE DG Group: DH Group 2
Perfect Forward Secrecty: Server
Disable dead peer detection checked

Also in IPv4 routes i have nothing added but Use only for resources on this connection checked.

Anyone experience something similar?

I'm at a loss :-(


Last edited by tompechar (2014-03-06 10:48:49)


#2 2014-04-09 04:24:41

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 2

Re: vpnc problems

Finally figured this out. needed to adjust the mtu size

my wireless interface was set to 1500

my vpn tunnel was defaulting to 1412

set manually to 1350 using vpnc --ifmtu 1350

cisco vpn using vpnc to datacenter works great now.


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