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I'm trying to get connected to a VPN using Networkmanager as frontend from KDE.
The server is running OpenVPN - it actually is a pfSense box that lets you export the config in a bundle.
I tested it on an android phone using VPNConnect and on a windows machine and both work just out of the box: Upon connecting, I'm prompted for a username and a password and the connection works perfectly, so, I thought I should just do the same, Open networkmanager on my arch linux box, go to the VPN tab, and import the .ovpn file containing all the information: The first lines are just the typical connection parameters, port, compression, etc.. and then, instead of having another separate file for each cert and key, they seem to be bundled inside the same file, delimited.
The thing is that I don't get the config to work, I'm asked for a password at best and then the connection never gets stablished. I checked the IP and ports, so it's not that kind of problem. Perhaps I lack the knowledge in order to import the configuration and you can walk me through it.
If you need any more information, just let me know.
Last edited by Xi0N (2014-04-29 14:31:58)
Tested checking in journalctl --unit=NetworkManager for any clues or output that you can paste here in a codeblock?
Hurricane Electric Certified IPv6 Sage
CPU: Core i7-2600 @ 4.0Ghz | RAM: 16GB (4x4GB) | GFX: AMD Radeon R9 290 4096MB VRAM | HDD: 1x 120GB SATA3 Corsair SSD (~500MB/s RW), 1x SATA2 250GB, 1x SATA2 320GB, 1x 180GB SATA3 Intel SSD
*EDIT* Replaced Nvidia GTX 570 for a AMD Radeon R9 290, and added an extra SSD 180GB
pfSense gives you three options to download the configuration plus any certificate needed.
Windows, OSX, Android/Other
I was trying with the Android and the "other" packages, for similarity,,,.. but the best one is the OSX package, which has all the files separately plus the config file.
A bit of tweaking on networkmanager vpn gui and ... voila.....
Thanks anyway