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@koll apraas
Uhm, I am going with a really bad analogy here, but why does one not quit college if one don't even like to go to college just because quitting college isn't mainstream? We need M$ Office as long as it is providing the functionality that we need and not necessarily any more than that.
I didn't get to the point on your analogy; quit college if you don't like it . I am not saying you should always swim against the stream, but please prove me wrong if people don't act for social inertia most of time instead of making informed decisions. I also used to be a Winbugs user, and as such, I didn't choose it nor Microsoft Office over other alternatives because I thought it was the only software providing all the features I needed; it was because Microsoft is almost exclusively the only thing you will ever see showcased at stores. Do you really think executives, desk clerks and public in general couldn't bring bacon home if not with M$ Office?
“What is needed is for uninformed people to understand the benefits of open standards and embrace the same, and for informed (read open source advocates and/or users) people to be even more informed,
...and less prejudiced
^ this applies for both sides.
@koll apraas - you did not come across as an asshole, but you should learn to use the edit button rather than making post after post.
hadrons123 wrote:'wine' about what?
Awebb could use wine to run the win32 gui version of locate32.
Please! We are too 1337 for such a tip. You should have said something about me learning to write software and implement it myself! :-D
nomorewindows wrote:hadrons123 wrote:'wine' about what?
Awebb could use wine to run the win32 gui version of locate32.
Please! We are too 1337 for such a tip. You should have said something about me learning to write software and implement it myself! :-D
Well, you have the source code for locate at least, and the gui part is up to you. So sure, it will be available in the AUR when it's finished also.
I may have to CONSOLE you about your usage of ridiculously easy graphical interfaces...
Look ma, no mouse.
Now we're talking! Please excuse me, I'm off to my webbcave, slaughtering a code cow.
Well I dont play computer games so If I end up installing wine after every linux install it's for a reason.
I install wine so I can use Adobe photoshop or an old version of paint shop. I tried Gimp but it's just not as good. It STILL doesn't have actions (recordable steps) something that a handful of windows photo apps have had for more than a decade. other things are too slow to do with it also.
I also use Sony vegas under wine although Kdenlive is getting close.
Last edited by chickenPie4tea (2014-05-04 13:37:12)
You can like linux without becoming a fanatic!
I install wine so I can use Adobe photoshop or an old version of paint shop. I tried Gimp but it's just not as good.
I really don't care what software you choose to use, but for your information I think the latest version of Krita is absolutely stunning. I'm slowly transitioning my knowledge from my former image editing software to Krita.
And Google tells me it has a recording system.
Last edited by drcouzelis (2014-05-04 23:27:52)
chickenPie4tea wrote:I install wine so I can use Adobe photoshop or an old version of paint shop. I tried Gimp but it's just not as good.
I really don't care what software you choose to use, but for your information I think the latest version of Krita is absolutely stunning. I'm slowly transitioning my knowledge from my former image editing software to Krita.
And Google tells me it has a recording system.
Krita is part of Calligra.
I may have to CONSOLE you about your usage of ridiculously easy graphical interfaces...
Look ma, no mouse.
Linux definetly lacks girls! Why no one complains girls content in Linux is below society average?
Stabilisation guarantee. Any larger project is vulnerable to project leaders' personal views and temporary desires, not neccesserily in line with those of users dependent on the software. We see this well with for example GNOME2 → GNOME3 transition. Uncountable number of users were suddenly left with no DE and a split occured in the community. And the process still continues, as users of file-roller and some other gnom-ic utilities learned after the last update, when the apps have suddenly broken interaction with windows and attempted to poorly do WM's job. Without a stability guarantee you can end up with no ability to work just because someone had a bad day...
Commercial support, without commercial dependency and control. Someone mentioned Canonical here, and I believe this is a good example of having financial backbone, but with taking away control over the development process from the users. On the other hand Google is a great example of a big company that provides libraries and support for them, but doesn't treat them as their commercial product, hence not creating any dependencies that could be harmful to the users.
Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!
chickenPie4tea wrote:I install wine so I can use Adobe photoshop or an old version of paint shop. I tried Gimp but it's just not as good.
I really don't care what software you choose to use, but for your information I think the latest version of Krita is absolutely stunning. I'm slowly transitioning my knowledge from my former image editing software to Krita.
And Google tells me it has a recording system.
I would like to try Krita but wouldn't that pull in a lot of kde stuff?
Just for the record I don't like Adobe and would love to be able to ditch photoshop.
Also I never asked anyone to care about my software usage!
Last edited by chickenPie4tea (2014-05-05 08:51:32)
You can like linux without becoming a fanatic!
Linux definetly lacks girls! Why no one complains girls content in Linux is below society average?
Let's not start the gender issue here. That could quite easily take up it's own [bikesheded] thread.
Claire is fine.
Problems? I have dysgraphia, so clear and concise please.
My public GPG key for package signing
My x86_64 package repository
I would like to try Krita but wouldn't that pull in a lot of kde stuff?
Did you worry about all the "Windows stuff" that Photoshop installed on your computer? Please install Krita and give it a try! It's just software. If it does what you want, then great! If you don't like it, then uninstall it and all of its dependencies will be removed too.
This was the recent Slashdot post that made me give Krita another try. I haven't really used it too much yet, but everything I have seen and used so far... I just can't get over how powerful and solid and polished it all is!
I'm interested in your opinion of Krita, as someone who's used many Windows and Linux image editing applications.
Also I never asked anyone to care about my software usage!
Haha, that's true, you didn't. I'm sorry, what I meant by my comment was, "Please use whatever software works best for you. It doesn't matter to me, but here's a suggestion...".
linux need
- solid open source drivers (nvidia and amd are moving slowly in this direction)
- a strategy to make every software that runs on linux toolchain agnostic (libc, compilers, linker, etc)
- total rework / cleaning of the audio stack
- better documentation (how is it that the linux foundation, organizing summits and so on can't produce the equivalent of the Arch wiki about the kernel)
- better governance to clean up issues such as the systemd mess
- a strategy to make things simpler
re Krita
I may install it and see how much kde stuff it wants to install. I see from their FAQ page that it's more focused towards illustration/art than photo manipulation
".If you want to work on collage, photo editing or print production work, Gimp might be more suitable. Ease of use and power as a painting application will always have a higher priority in Krita's ongoing development."
looking at some tutorial and youtube vids it does look like a painting program and looks great for art work but I use photoshop for altering photos. Still I may try it out anyway.
this video shows what it can do and was impressive
Last edited by chickenPie4tea (2014-05-05 18:38:14)
You can like linux without becoming a fanatic!
A fully functional MSPaint clone. Seriously.
I think kolourpaint was about there, but there's no way i'm installing half of KDE just to use that program!
mtpaint/easypaint/tuxpaint/etc are all useless or never got finished
gimp/etc is far too heavy/slow/feature-rich for doing some very simple tasks.
It's one of 3 applications there is no perfect linux alternative for yet, and I'm sure a competent programmer could write that sort of thing in a couple of days!
linux lacks snapshotting feature in ext4
p.s. yes, i did try recent btrfs. no, i still don’t like it. yes, i did try zfs. no, i don’t like it too.
update: oh, and jack session management is still horrible.
Last edited by chaonaut (2014-05-08 11:34:33)
— love is the law, love under wheel, — said aleister crowley and typed in his terminal:
usermod -a -G wheel love
linux lacks snapshotting feature in ext4
p.s. yes, i did try recent btrfs. no, i still don’t like it. yes, i did try zfs. no, i don’t like it too.update: oh, and jack session management is still horrible.
Can't you snapshot with LVM?
Claire is fine.
Problems? I have dysgraphia, so clear and concise please.
My public GPG key for package signing
My x86_64 package repository
Can't you snapshot with LVM?
sure, i can.
but LVM approach is not space efficient too (as btrfs).
moreover, management of LVM snapshots is more complex, compared to btrfs.
so, i even did not mention LVM in my previous post.
— love is the law, love under wheel, — said aleister crowley and typed in his terminal:
usermod -a -G wheel love
A fully functional MSPaint clone. Seriously.
I think kolourpaint was about there, but there's no way i'm installing half of KDE just to use that program!
sed -e /s/kolourpaint/anjuta/ -e /s/KDE/GNOME/
(i use qtcreator instead) .
Linux programs in general miss runtime flags to disable some funtionality.
example :
i try to stay away from systemd but do have a dual-boot setup (openrc / systemd).
polkit does work both with and without systemd-logind , but you have to set that at compiletime .
If i could set at runtime whether or not polkit uses systemd-logind or unix groups, i could use stock polkit in both boots.
I have to choose between polkit with systemd-logind support or no systemd-logind support at all, can't have both.
openrc boot works reasonably with stock polkit (need some easy workarounds like manually mounting usb devices) .
systemd boot works badly with polkit without systemd support, so i've settled for stock polkit.
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
A fully functional MSPaint clone. Seriously.
So, install gpaint.
I think kolourpaint was about there, but there's no way i'm installing half of KDE just to use that program!
That's silly. "There's this application that does EXACTLY what I need it to do but I don't want to use it because it uses OTHER software to run!" What's the problem? Is your hard drive too small for all the dependencies?
mtpaint/easypaint/tuxpaint/etc are all useless or never got finished
I used to think TuxPaint was useless. And then my children started using it (and I started using it with them). TuxPaint is AMAZING. It is absolutely perfect for what it was designed to do. It's also not what you're looking for.
gimp/etc is far too heavy/slow/feature-rich for doing some very simple tasks.
What simple tasks do you need?
It's one of 3 applications there is no perfect linux alternative for yet, and I'm sure a competent programmer could write that sort of thing in a couple of days!
Do you know what would happen? I'll tell you what would happen. At the end of a couple days when the programmer finishes writing the perfect Linux alternative to Microsoft Paint, everyone who uses Linux will congratulate him and shower him with donations. ...Just kidding! What actually will happen is people like you will complain that he wrote it in the wrong language using the wrong toolkit.
dennis123123 wrote:A fully functional MSPaint clone. Seriously.
So, install gpaint.
I think kolourpaint was about there, but there's no way i'm installing half of KDE just to use that program!
That's silly. "There's this application that does EXACTLY what I need it to do but I don't want to use it because it uses OTHER software to run!" What's the problem? Is your hard drive too small for all the dependencies?
mtpaint/easypaint/tuxpaint/etc are all useless or never got finished
I used to think TuxPaint was useless. And then my children started using it (and I started using it with them). TuxPaint is AMAZING. It is absolutely perfect for what it was designed to do. It's also not what you're looking for.
gimp/etc is far too heavy/slow/feature-rich for doing some very simple tasks.
What simple tasks do you need?
It's one of 3 applications there is no perfect linux alternative for yet, and I'm sure a competent programmer could write that sort of thing in a couple of days!
Do you know what would happen? I'll tell you what would happen. At the end of a couple days when the programmer finishes writing the perfect Linux alternative to Microsoft Paint, everyone who uses Linux will congratulate him and shower him with donations. ...Just kidding! What actually will happen is people like you will complain that he wrote it in the wrong language using the wrong toolkit.
1. gpaint hasn't even implemented zoom or undo, and it looks abandoned since 2006...
2. I like keeping a clean system. If I wanted a drive full of crap, I'd install <insert name of popular debian based linux distro here>
sudo pacman -S kdegraphics-kolourpaint
resolving dependencies...
:: There are 2 providers available for phonon-qt4-backend:
:: Repository extra
1) phonon-qt4-gstreamer 2) phonon-qt4-vlc
Enter a number (default=1):
looking for inter-conflicts...
Packages (52): akonadi-1.12.1-1 attica-0.4.2-1 baloo-4.13.0-2 cdparanoia-10.2-5 convertlit-1.8-6 docbook-xml-4.5-5 docbook-xsl-1.78.1-1 ebook-tools-0.2.2-1
grantlee-0.4.0-1 gstreamer0.10-0.10.36-4 gstreamer0.10-base-0.10.36-3 gstreamer0.10-base-plugins-0.10.36-3 kactivities-4.13.0-1
kdebase-runtime-4.13.0-3 kdegraphics-mobipocket-4.13.0-1 kdelibs-4.13.0-1 kdepimlibs-4.13.0-1 kfilemetadata-4.13.0-1 libcanberra-0.30-4
libdbusmenu-qt-0.9.2-2 libdmtx-0.7.4-5 libimobiledevice-1.1.6-1 libiodbc-3.52.8-2 libmariadbclient-5.5.37-1 libplist-1.11-1 libqzeitgeist-0.8.0-3
libssh-0.6.3-1 libusbmuxd-1.0.9-1 libutempter-1.1.6-2 libvisual-0.4.0-4 libwebp-0.4.0-1 mariadb-5.5.37-1 mariadb-clients-5.5.37-1
media-player-info-19-1 oxygen-icons-4.13.0-1 phonon-qt4-4.7.1-2 phonon-qt4-gstreamer-4.7.1-1 polkit-qt-0.103.0-2 poppler-qt4-0.24.5-1 prison-1.1.1-1
qca-2.0.3-4 qimageblitz-0.0.6-3 qjson-0.8.1-2 qrencode-3.4.3-1 qtwebkit-2.3.3-1 soprano-2.9.4-1 sound-theme-freedesktop-0.8-1 strigi-0.7.8-5
upower-0.99.0-2 virtuoso-base-1:6.1.8-1 xapian-core-1:1.2.17-1 kdegraphics-kolourpaint-4.13.0-1
Total Download Size: 93.49 MiB
Total Installed Size: 391.10 MiB
3. ...
4. Editing a toolbar icon for example. a 16x16 pixel image - so zoom in, "colour pick" something, darken the color, and add a few pixels as a shadow
Or putting together a quick screenshot for a bug report - open screenshot, add a few arrows, text, save.
That sort of thing... not spending hours creating some kind of masterpiece work of art, or using some really cleverly written "airbrushing" tools to "photoshop" something, etc
5. Is is just today that people are making stupid sarcastic replies to me, or is that something of a personality trait that leeches into you once you've been here a while?
Last edited by dennis123123 (2014-05-08 15:05:59)
Then how about Pinta, a GTK application that is at least fast enough to not need a splash screen? Just disable the extra tool panels and it should look pretty much like Paint.
2. I like keeping a clean system. If I wanted a drive full of crap, I'd install <insert name of popular debian based linux distro here>
What's the point of having a clean system if it doesn't do what you need it to do?? Just install and use software!
On a more serious note, if you find an application you really want to use but don't want all of its dependencies, you can try making a custom PKGBUILD file to remove some of them.
5. Is is just today that people are making stupid sarcastic replies to me, or is that something of a personality trait that leeches into you once you've been here a while?
It's your "tone". You sound really ranty and complainy in recent posts. Even so, I like you.
...hey, wait a minute, did you just call my reply "stupid"? But I'm helping you discover new software!
Last edited by drcouzelis (2014-05-08 17:45:24)
Yeah, "clean system" !== "less software" IMHO. A "clean system" is well organized, easily maintainable, everything is in it's place, and can have its packages added/removed/maintained easily. Granted, opinions differ, but I also have never understood "I won't use Y because it needs ABC installed" unless ABC were either too big for my hard drive, or ABC required 2.5 days of custom compiling and tweaking and such.
Again, YMMV.
(Edited for spelling.)
Last edited by mrunion (2014-05-08 18:36:19)
"It is very difficult to educate the educated."
I agree that clean != less software installed, but part of clean does equal less software running. This is one reason I've adamantly avoided anything that touches gtk3. Every gtk3 program I've tried spawns dozens of processes when it starts ... and they don't stop when that program is closed. GTK3 is not welcome on my harddrive, because it is not content to stay there.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
I agree that clean != less software installed, but part of clean does equal less software running
…and less of unnecessary shared libraries loaded.
especially when running on systems like my NAS with 256M of soldered RAM.
Last edited by chaonaut (2014-05-08 20:14:41)
— love is the law, love under wheel, — said aleister crowley and typed in his terminal:
usermod -a -G wheel love