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Any best practices for installing multiple Tomcat instances in Arch Linux?
I'd suggest looking at Docker. Perfect for multiple isolated instances of one application. Then if you need to you can run them behind something like nginx as a reverse proxy.
@firecat53: Ok, I'll have a look at that. But as Tomcat is "natively" supporting multiple instances, I would prefer to avoid any additional tools.
@Stebalien: Pick any, per se, as long as we're talking multiple instances of the same version ;-) I'm mostly working with tomcat7, though.
I guess your question is a bit wrong, indeed. You want to run multiple instances of the same installation rather than installing them, right?
If so, you can create a separate runtime folder structure by copying the default /usr/share/tomcat7 one, e.g. to /var/lib/tomcat7-domain1 or something. Configure the ports in conf/server.xml for each instance.
Then copy the default systemd service file (e.g. /usr/lib/systemd/system/tomcat7.service) to /etc/systemd/system under a different name (e.g. tomcat7-domain1.service) and edit the variables in it according to your runtime folder structure.
Well, that doesn't sound much like an Arch Linux Best Practice. I would be better off doing manual installs of Tomcat from the standard package.