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Hi there,
I have been trying stuff for hours, now I think it's time to ask someone:
I have a samba server with a static ip (netctl).
I can ping the server, ssh to it, smbclient -L is working and also in Nautilus if I use the 'Connect to Server' option everything works fine.
But when I try to 'Browse Network' I only see the Workgroup but when I want to access the Workgroup after some time of wait I get 'Unable to access location Failed to retrieve share list from server: No route to host'.
Also if I stop using static ip with netctl and use dhcpcd 'Browse Network' starts working...
I really don't see whats the problem, does someone else?
Here is my netctl profile:
Description='A basic static ethernet connection'
And my smb.conf:
workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = SMB
security = user
map to guest = bad user
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 1000
interfaces = lo enp2s0
bind interfaces only = true
dns proxy = no[Files]
path = /data/smb/Files
public = no
valid users = qam
writable = yes[Shared]
path = /data/smb/Shared
public = yes
only guest = yes
writable = yes
Thanks in advance