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Pages: 1
I have a script in /home/beheerder called
Running the script by hand: ./ works fine..
Now I schedule the script to run daily at 2 at night.
So I do: crontab -e and add:
00 02 * * * /home/beheerder/
To test if it would run I entered the current time + 5 minutes.. but nothing is running, the only error i see in the crond log at the time i scheduled my job is a sendmail error:
unable to exec /usr/sbin/sendmail -t, user -oem, output to sink null
But i am not even calling send mail...
How can I make my job run?
Did you try to do "crontab -l" to verify? If not please do
Problem is solved..
Stupid me added a slash in a place it didnt belong
Thanks for you reply anyway.
Pages: 1