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#1 2014-06-23 09:56:58

Registered: 2014-05-30
Posts: 15

how to use proxy for gaming (to solve packet loss over wifi problem)

I am playing with Xonotic, a fast-paced first person shooter. It doesnt like packet loss. Me neither. smile The problem that when a packet is getting lost then my comp will request it again from the server. Not from the wifi router. Which is a lot of additional ms. Making the game much less playable.

So to solve this problem I figured out that I can set up a proxy, which could be run on my raspberry pi connected with cabel to the router, so my lost packets will be resend from there, not from the xonotic game server.

Thats ok and cool. But Im a littlebit confused about how to do that.

As far as I understand I need a snoop proxy but I dont really understand how to do that.

I assume that I should install polipo on my raspberry and setting up my notebook to use that proxy.

But dont know how to set up the polipo to spoof, and how to configure my notebook to use that proxy.

I am on my way to figuring this out how to do that any advice is welcome. smile

Raspberry and my notebook are running archlinux.



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