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Hello archers!
I just bought myself a new netbook and trying to install arch too it but pacman and its pgp keys is stopping me !
To get c720p to boot the installation medium i needed to use "archlinux-2013.10.01-dual.iso" and kernel arg "mem=1536m" and since that installation is pretty old the keys are totally out of date i guess?
running "pacman -Syu" when booted downloads the packages but cant check package integrity so i cant install the system..
ive tried to set the siglevel to Never in pacman.conf but that gave me awful lots of problems later in the install.
Can some1 point me in the right direction? google/bbs is out of answers for me now i think
Last edited by BultiZ (2014-07-01 23:08:51)
Why not download the current iso?
It wont boot, even with mem=1536m, so its not an option
Have you read the wiki … Chromebook ?
yeah it doesnt mention anything about pacman key problems due to old installation medium..?
Can you post the exact errors you're getting?
yeah it doesnt mention anything about pacman key problems due to old installation medium..?
It does, and points to this post. … 6#p1425856
I just installed 64-bit Arch on a C720 yesterday and can verify that this works.
okok, a clean boot, set up the wifi, running pacman -Syu
Downloads 184 packages
Downloading required keys in keyring
import PGP key 4096R/8E4B1A25, "Thomas Bächler ........" created: 2011-05-04
error: key "Thomas Bächler" ....... could not be imported.
and then it keeps getting this error for all keys it wants to import. I think i counted to 29 errors to import keys
Errors occured, no packages were upgraded
BultiZ wrote:yeah it doesnt mention anything about pacman key problems due to old installation medium..?
It does, and points to this post. … 6#p1425856
I just installed 64-bit Arch on a C720 yesterday and can verify that this works.
reboot and try again
set up wifi
pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring
install complete and some keys were added i think
pacman -Syu
downloads 183 packages
checking package integrity
error: gpgme: signature from "Anatol Pomozov" ....... is unknown thrust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/gpgme- is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP Signature))
Do you want to delete?
4 Packages get this error.
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
So how did u make it install?
Why are you running Pacman -Syu on the live medium? You should be using pacstrap to install the base system.
Last edited by SolarBoyMatt (2014-06-30 13:52:56)
shouldnt i run pacman before pacstrapping it to disc?
shouldnt i run pacman before pacstrapping it to disc?
Unless there is something specific to this device/computer, then no. This whole thread has seemed odd to me - it doesn't matter which iso you use as long as it has the install scripts. When you run pacstrap, you'll be installing the newest versions of all the selected packages on the target device.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
okok i fail then, ive allways been running pacman -Syu before pacstrap.. i guess i will stop with that now xD
I believe that the key installation issue is because your clock isn't set correctly. Set your date and install the key again.
Bah im soon giving up on this, any1 got a good manual install guide? or some basic 1-10 what should be done to install base base-devel to the harddrive with grub as bootloader?
Also tried AUI / AIS to install but no luck here either.. its something with those keys im pretty sure x )
if reinstalling archlinux-keyring still isn't working, the only other thing I can suggest trying is running:
# pacman-key --init && pacman-key --populate archlinux
along with reinstalling archlinux-keyring, before running pacstrap. Also, For reinstalling archlinux-keyring, instead try using pacman -Syy first instead of -Sy.
As for an installation guide, the Wiki page the C720 wiki page already describes the extra steps you need to take to get a working/64-bit install. We're not going to walk you all of the way through it. … Arch_Linux
Last edited by SolarBoyMatt (2014-06-30 17:44:21)
Did you have the right system time?
i managed to get pacstrap to install the system now
used "timedatectl" to set time and date
then i "pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring"
then it was no problems as usual, now im running gnome and is now compiling "linux-chromebook" kernel from AUR and hope that it solves touchpad/touchscreen not working else i will have to read up some on the c720 wiki
Doh FML! my yaourt tmp dir was set to /tmp so after compiling kernel for 3 hrs i went out of memory...
There are current and mainline 64-bit pre-built kernels here:
Strange that it was the time causing a problem, since I didn't have that issue at all. You might want to at least link to this topic in the "main" Acer C720/C720P thread in case anyone else has this issue.
Last edited by SolarBoyMatt (2014-07-02 17:04:29)
There are current and mainline 64-bit pre-built kernels here:
Strange that it was the time causing a problem, since I didn't have that issue at all. You might want to at least link to this topic in the "main" Acer C720/C720P thread in case anyone else has this issue.
yeah will post there when i come home :-) i work at nights :-)
According to timedatectl, date was set to 2055 if i remembered correctly :-P
Linux-chromebook did include patches for touchpad, but not for touchscreen :-)
Does mainline add touchscreen also?
Acer C720P Arch Linux:
I just got home from work and linux-mainline-chromebook has finished compiling, this solved the missing modules for touchscreen on c720p, so now i just need to fix my Google Chrome so it accepts touchevents somehow.. will have to google some when i wake up
Touchevents is fully working in my desktop enviroment (Gnome)
And now touchscreen stopped working, in Google Chrome again ;p
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