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#1 2006-02-20 04:48:10

Registered: 2005-06-08
Posts: 95

problem with hula setup

hey there all,
i followed the wiki to install hula
and when i got to the step where it says ./hulamanager, the processor spiked at 100 percent and just stayed there for a while

this is what the terminal gave me

Unhandled Exception: System.ObjectDisposedException: The object was used after being disposed.
in [0x0001d] System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream:CheckDisposed ()
in [0x00001] (at /home/build/repos/extra/devel/mono/src/mono- System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream:Write (System.Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
in [0x00056] (at /home/build/repos/extra/devel/mono/src/mono- System.IO.StreamWriter:FlushBytes ()
in [0x0000d] (at /home/build/repos/extra/devel/mono/src/mono- System.IO.StreamWriter:Decode ()
in [0x00017] (at /home/build/repos/extra/devel/mono/src/mono- System.IO.StreamWriter:Flush ()
in [0x00047] (at /home/nephish/trunk/hula/src/libs/hula-sharp/Hula.Nmap/NmapConnection.cs:136) Hula.Nmap.NmapConnection:WriteRequest (System.String request, System.Object[] args)
in [0x0000c] (at /home/nephish/trunk/hula/src/libs/hula-sharp/Hula.Nmap/NmapConnection.cs:91) Hula.Nmap.NmapConnection:Close ()
in [0x00012] (at /home/nephish/trunk/hula/src/libs/hula-sharp/Hula.Nmap/NmapClient.cs:70) Hula.Nmap.NmapClient:Close ()
in [0x00001] (at /home/nephish/trunk/hula/src/libs/hula-sharp/Hula.Nmap/NmapClient.cs:187) Hula.Nmap.NmapClient:Dispose ()
in [0x0008b] (at /home/nephish/trunk/hula/src/libs/hula-sharp/Hula.Indexer/IndexClient.cs:82) Hula.Indexer.IndexClient:IndexNMAPStore ()
in [0x0005b] (at /home/nephish/trunk/hula/src/libs/hula-sharp/Hula.Indexer/IndexServer.cs:219) Hula.Indexer.IndexServer:Run (Hula.Indexer.IndexClient indexClient)
in [0x00019] (at /home/nephish/trunk/hula/src/libs/hula-sharp/Hula.Indexer/HulaIndexer.cs:16) Hula.Indexer.HulaIndexer:Main (System.String[] args)
WebAdmin: using internal certificate

any ideas on this?



#2 2006-02-20 11:20:25

Registered: 2005-06-08
Posts: 95

Re: problem with hula setup

ok, i think now that the problem is with mono.
i looked at top after trying to start hula
and mono is at the top of the list and stays there.


#3 2006-02-21 00:08:46

Registered: 2005-06-08
Posts: 95

Re: problem with hula setup

more evidence :

i removed mono, and then removed hula with make uninstall
then, i loaded the package from aur,

tried to start hula with ./hulamanager and got this

[root@bitsbam sbin]# ./hulamanager
Loading Hula agents for server Hula Messaging Server.
  loading huladmc
  loading hulanmap
  loading hulasmtp
  loading hulawebadmin
hulawebadmin: Unable to bind to port 89
hulawebadmin: Exiting
  loading hulaqueue
agent execl: No such file or directory
  loading hulaantispam
  loading hulacalcmd
  loading hulacalagent
hulasmtp: Could not bind to port 25
hulasmtp: Exiting.
hulaantispam: spamassassin not enabled and no hosts allowed or disallowed; unloading
hulaantispam: Shutting down.
  loading hulaforward
  loading hulaimap
  loading hulaindexer
hulamonohelper: Could not execute mono: No such file or directory
  loading hulamodweb
  loading hulapop3
  loading hulamailprox
Couldn't find configuration object for Calendar Text Command Agent, attempting to connect to NMAP on
Couldn't find configuration object for Calendar Agent, attempting to connect to NMAP on
hulaimap: Could not bind to port 143
hulaimap: Imap.exiting
Couldn't find configuration object for AutoReply Agent, attempting to connect to NMAP on
  loading hularules
  loading hulaweb
hulamonohelper: Could not execute mono: No such file or directory
  loading hulaconnmgr
connmgr: loaded module: CMUSER
hulamodweb: Could not bind to port 8080
hulamodweb: Exiting
hulapop3: Could not bind to port 110
hulapop3: Exiting.
cmrbl: No RBL zones configured.  RBL check is disabled.
cmlists: No addresses blocked or allowed
Couldn't find configuration object for AntiSpam Agent, attempting to connect to NMAP on
calcmdd: Could not register with hulanmap.
calcmdd: Exiting.
hulacalendar: Could not register with hulanmap
hulacalendar: Exiting.
hulaforward: Could not register with hulanmap
hulaforward: Exiting.
hularules: Could not register with hulanmap
hularules: Exiting.

does that help ?


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