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After upgrading to owncloud 7.0.0 I am having a strange problem. The text and the icons are not displayed correctly. As it is hard to describe I attached a screenshot.
I´m using it with nginx and php-fpm.
owncloud 6 was running fine and I did not change any config files. If anyone needs any config files to get into it, just let me know.
If anyone is running owncloud 7, nginx and php-fpm successfully it would be nice to see the config files.
Screenshot Link: … loud_7.jpg
Last edited by archtom (2014-07-31 15:53:27)
I took it to the owncloud forum and found someone with the solution. I´m posting here if someone else is having the same problem.
There was a line
rewrite ^/apps/([^/]*)/(.*\.(css|php))$ /index.php?app=$1&getfile=$2 last;
in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.
Just delete it or comment it out and restart nginx. All working fine now!
Last edited by archtom (2014-07-31 15:54:16)