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Hi all,
I'm using private internet access with network manager and openvpn integration. I followed the set up instructions exactly, and the problem isn't on the vpn's end because I have it set up on another computer where it is blazing fast.
In the vpn settings, I have the correct gateway and authentication settings, the correct CA certificate, and enabled LZO data compression. In IPv4 settings, the method is set to Automatic (VPN) addresses only. The wifi network I'm connected to has no issues and works properly when not connected to the vpn. However, once I connect it, it will either load pages at an insanely slow rate, or just get stuck at the "looking up..." phase. I've configured everything according to instructions and am certain that the issue isn't on the vpn's end, it must be on mine, but beyond that, I've no clue what the issue is. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
I also tried following the instructions on the website with similiar results. This is what worked for me: open networkmanager's edit connections utility, select import VPN from the file menu, navigate to where you extracted the zip file from PIA containing the ca.crt file and select the .ovpn file corresponding to your desired connection. Once the connection has been added to available connections under VPN, select it and click edit. Enter your username and password, change the ipv4 method to automatic (only addresses), and set the DNS servers to the PIA DNS servers ( and After this you should be good to go. Also, this is the procedure under KDE, it may be a bit different for other desktop environments but the main idea is to let network manager handle the initial setup of the connection. I hope this helps.