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Hi All,
I am getting subject message in systemctl status httpd
I am needing to look at this because something is wrong with my installation/cnfiguration of the AMP part of LAMP
I googled and found on stack overflow … art-apache
and indicates there is a problem in:
and suggests a change as follows:
You have to change this
d /run/httpd 0755 root root -
d /run/httpd 0755 http http -
I made these changes, but it did not change the error message.
as the user in the referenced post, it does not seem to be affecting apache as my server is accesible; but php is not running.
I suspect a problem iis somewhere else since the change did not affect ownership as the responder suggested and the pifd is apprently still not readable. and I am having other web related issues
so, even thogh php is currently not working (php commands show as text...)
one thing at a time.
how do I get this 'cant read pid error to go away?
I am pretty sure that while it is not affecting loading a page, when it needs session id to change pages, it might need that pid,
I appreciate anything you can suggest.
Welcome to Arch Linux.
Did you see this wiki article?. I do not run PHP and rarely start Apache, so I cannot be any direct help.
Regardless, you might provide us with more information, like how you installed and configured LAMP.
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