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#1 2014-08-17 02:36:59

From: NC, US
Registered: 2013-08-08
Posts: 4

Apache serving bin files instead of default index

I was trying to set up Postfix and Mailman today, and I seem to have broken Apache in the process. I installed Postfix and Mailman as in the wiki, but after configuration of Mailman I tried accessing the web server, and the server gave me a bin file instead of the home page. I assumed something in my configuration messed things up, so I deleted all configuration for both Postfix and Mailman, removed the packages, and restarted Apache. However, it is still giving me bin files when I access my Apache sites I had set up previously, so something is still around.

For additional details, I do get the correct file if I give it the full path. So, and work just fine, but just or does not work properly. I also get the correct results for any subdomains I do not have configured as a virtual host in Apache. So,, etc all work fine. Everything also works properly if I access the server through my internet or local network IP address, so it definitely seems to be an Apache host configuration issue.

The Mailman configuration does have the line ScriptAlias / "/usr/lib/mailman/cgi-bin/listinfo", so maybe that broke the root somehow, but I assumed removing the configuration and restarting everything would get rid of that.

Does anyone know what I should check to figure out why Apache is processing a bin file instead of giving me the index.php file in /srv/http?


#2 2014-08-17 02:53:18

From: NC, US
Registered: 2013-08-08
Posts: 4

Re: Apache serving bin files instead of default index

So it seems that it is now working. I restarted my computer fully so I guess something was being held and wasn't cleaned up properly by restarting Apache.


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