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#1 2014-06-29 00:52:41

Registered: 2013-05-01
Posts: 40

Inundated with LLC traffic


    A router (Netgear DG834GV) of mine is sending an endless stream of LLC traffic to a laptop on the network. The packets are DSAP variations on 

3346.321206000  LLC Netgear_38:ce:5c    Apple_70:19:99  82  U, func=SIM; DSAP 0x94 Individual, SSAP ISO Network Layer (unofficial?) Command

3350.589044000  LLC Netgear_38:ce:5c    Apple_70:19:99  82  S, func=RNR, N(R)=16; DSAP 0x94 Group, SSAP ISO Network Layer (unofficial?) Response

and come in blocks of up-to 30 commands and 30 responses.

    I've never encountered anything like this before, so don't have any idea how to determine whether the packets are innocuous. Where should I begin?


#2 2014-08-17 03:37:15

Registered: 2013-11-14
Posts: 13

Re: Inundated with LLC traffic

I have the same problem (didn't notice it before..)

Why there is so much llc traffic on my wireless adapter?


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