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Instructing people to go through some unsupported and convoluted install-downgrade-upgrade process to avoid a "problem" that (apparently) lasts all of ten seconds before resolving itself is just dumb.
I won't devolve this into name calling, but I think we may be discussing a different problem than what you commented on. If this was a one time, ten second, fix itself problem, do you really think it would get 1,475 views over the short time it's been up, not to mention all the comments.
Sorry, I know you're super smart, no doubt way smarter than me, but just sayin.
Check out my website for info on the Arch Linux Installer
And, we are done here. Jeff, I thought we were done with your trolling. This may be a problem. It has been reported up stream.
Your FU Arch installer indicates you may be less than objective.
Closed. … ther_Users … o_Trolling
Last edited by ewaller (2014-09-01 01:27:52)
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
On request, the mod team have discussed and decided re-opening this thread is valid -- we do not want to punish all the thread participants based on the bad behaviour of one.
Having said that, jeff story -> your sarcastic and belitting contribution (preserved below to avoid you editing it out) is unwelcome and clearly falls in violation of the "Respect Other Users" value in our forum etiquette. You can disagree with another member without the sarcastic undertones. You have been warned for behaving outside the Forum Etiquette previously; this is your second warning. A third violation will lead to a temporary suspension to give you time to review our community values in detail.
Now, back onto the original discussion; it seems the issue has been resolved, and a fix is available for those affected.
I won't devolve this into name calling, but I think we may be discussing a different problem than what you commented on. If this was a one time, ten second, fix itself problem, do you really think it would get 1,475 views over the short time it's been up, not to mention all the comments.
Sorry, I know you're super smart, no doubt way smarter than me, but just sayin.
Are you familiar with our Forum Rules, and How To Ask Questions The Smart Way?
BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
I believe this topic had been in Installation. Restoring it there....
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
Thanks ewaller, fukawi2 and the other mods!
Recap, and hopefully this thread can continue on more constructive ways now:
1) if you pacstrap before systemd 216-2 has hit [core], you should run the following inside the chroot before rebooting:
uuidgen | { read; echo "${REPLY//-}">/etc/machine-id; }
This was added to post_install in 216-2 and will prevent systemd to run "preset-all" on the next boot, which would enable everything and the kitchen-sink-serviced. More background on why this happened is in the comments in the bug report.
Alternatively, create the file "usr/lib/systemd/system-preset/99-default.preset" with content of "disable *'":
echo 'disable *' >"$pkgdir"/usr/lib/systemd/system-preset/99-default.preset
This will prevent systemd from enabling any services when it runs "preset-all" due to missing machine-id.
2) if you already rebooted once, you will need to get rid of the unnecessarily enabled services manually. This might seem a daunting task, because they are so many and it might not be clear to you what they are from their name alone.
But, if you look at the first post in this thread, tazmanian listed what was enabled before the first boot on his system - not a lot. The bare essentials you should always have enabled, I believe, are just getty@tty1.service and Everything else, you should keep only if you know what it is, and that you need it. This should not be a problem, because the default in Arch is to enable everything manually aynways, and the wiki will mention it when you need to enable a systemd unit.
If you installed just the base system before rebooting, removing all the units listed under "Stuff additionally enabled and started during first boot" in the first post might be enough to "undo" the bug. If you installed other packages before rebooting, there may be more (for example, I was surprised to see not only ftpd, but also apache humming away happily, pulled in by gnome).
General Tips
- run "ls /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/" to get an overview of enabled services
- because there are likely more units you want to disable than to keep, you can move all the symlinks from the listed directories to backup dirs, and move back the ones you want. Alternatively, manually delete them or "disable" the units one by one with systemctl (which also just removes the symlink)
- if unsure what a unit does, systemctl cat <unit> prints it for you. if the description is not enough, google the name or command it executes
- don't be too shy to remove stuff: if you don't know it, you likely didn't enable it, and you propably don't want stuff like rlogin or telnet running by accident
Last edited by hokasch (2014-09-02 10:27:27)
Is there any way that my kernel panics are related to this issue? Kernel panic doesnt happen every time i boot, but like 75% of the time i get kernel panic.
Its a fresh install but i alredy have DE and programs, i used Helmuth script to install all the stuff, just so i didnt forget to install stuff.
Last edited by archoriano (2014-09-01 12:36:18)
Please open your own thread archoriano, your issue is most likely unrelated to this one.
And this is what I get for choosing to migrate back to Arch, forever, this Saturday. kthxbai.
No, but seriously, what are the odds of this happening now? I've been away and tried Xubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS and my heart stays with Arch. Thanks to hokasch for the explanation post.
Thanks ewaller, fukawi2 and the other mods!
Recap, and hopefully this thread can continue on more constructive ways now:
1) if you pacstrap before systemd 216-2 has hit [core], you should run the following inside the chroot before rebooting:
uuidgen | { read; echo "${REPLY//-}">/etc/machine-id; }
This was added to post_install in 216-2 and will prevent systemd to run "preset-all" on the next boot, which would enable everything and the kitchen-sink-serviced. More background on why this happened is in the comments in the bug report.
This was the fix I needed.
Thank You
Hey all, Fedora user here.
Just installed Arch for the first time ever this weekend and was wondering why FTP server was running at startup...
From what I understand, I can disable everything except the services below, right? Or would I be better off waiting until this is fixed and then re-installing? It's only a VM, so not a big deal.
Things enabled before first boot (based on contents of /etc/system/systemd/*.wants): * getty@tty1.service * dhcpcd@lan0.service * iptables.service * * sshd.service (none)
Thanks in advance!
you can also disable sshd and iptables, if you don't need them.
If a feature creeps in too any package then a fix should be posted on main arch page. This problem is not arch or devs fault simply something upstream that has caused issue.
Mr Green
Mr Green I like Landuke!
Thank you hokasch, for the fix. Great stuff.
Looks like systemd 216-2 has already been replaced by 216-3 in the testing repos.
Also agreed that this issue should be mentioned on the Arch main page. It could spare a lot of panic and networking problems for newer users.
A little bit of panic never hurt a new user...
If there was a news item for every little glitch like this, even fewer people would pay attention to those announcements. It's a rolling release, not debian stable: what do you expect?
After reading article in Linux Format you are going to get a lot more new users. Once they install then you wil get a lot more posts. Then you will have a lot more posts to move,close,bin.
Issue will be resolved very soon I am sure.
Mr Green I like Landuke!
The issue has been resolved.
The issue has been resolved.
In testing, but all new installs are still affected until systemd 216-3 has hit [core], and they will not "fix themself" on update/reboot.
Pretty noticeable though (services failing at boot), so I trust people who are puzzled by it will find their way to this thread.
Sadly, I had gotten pretty far into my installation before realizing there was a problem. The repair looked daunting and not very reassuring from a security standpoint. Fortunatly re-installation solved the problem and all is working as it should.
As systemd v. 216-3 is in core now the issue is fixed for new installations.
For those who have installed in the short time when this issue appeared, see the post by hokasch. … 1#p1452481
I think you can mark this thread as solved.