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#1 2014-09-02 14:22:00

Registered: 2014-09-02
Posts: 1

nm-applet shows wrong symbol

i searched for this problem in Google and in this forum, but i coudn't find answer.
I installed Arch Linux yesterday with Gnome 3.
After connecting to Wifi-Network at home, the symbol of network manager applet shows, that I must still waiting for connection, but connection is good and I have internet, tested it with browser.
Does anyone has this problem too?


#2 2014-09-04 11:40:18

From: London
Registered: 2013-11-23
Posts: 128

Re: nm-applet shows wrong symbol

What is the output of:

systemctl status dhcpcd.service


systemctl --failed

I suspect you installed when there was an issue with a systemd package, resulting in a load of unwanted services being automatically enabled. The network manager problem may be due to the dhcpcd service being enabled, which will conflict with the NetworkManager service. If the dhcpcd service is active, enter:

systemctl disable dhcpcd.service

Which should fix your problem.


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