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Pages: 1
So, Im not sure if this is the right place to be asking this, but I figure networking is as good a place as any. I share an internet connection with the people I live with, and at times I get accused of using more than my fair share of data, even though at times I know I'm guilty, there are times when I am not. What I want to be able to do, is to monitor what I use. This seems straight forward, I know, I have a conky setup that includes this. But we have a media server, and all incoming traffic from that is counted in the conky graph. So it may say that ive used 3 or 4 gig, but in reality, I've probably only downloaded a couple hundred Mb. Is there any way that I can monitor external traffic only (or even if i can monitor traffic to the file server, then I can just subtract that) Thans in advance for any help that anyone can give, I appreciate a resource like this so that people like me that are still learning can get by just a little easier (and with less rebuilds due to broken systems lol)
Are you using the same interface to connect to the media server and to use the internet?
Yes, same interface, unfortunately, im 50m away from the server and router inside, and really can be bothered doing a second run of CAT6 lol
Pages: 1