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#1 2014-09-16 08:55:46

From: Republic of Srpska, BA
Registered: 2008-03-02
Posts: 246

[RESOLVED] Hot to remove superfluous/unneeded selfsigs from my key?

It's about my key on servers (hkp:// and hkps:// I've clean the key with `minimize` (using gpg), and upload it again to the servers listed, but when I refresh my key on another machine nothing has changed, in fact, if the key on another machine is clean it will pull all those unneeded selfsigs again.

Is it perhaps because I have "Features: MDC, Keyserver no-modify" on every id of the key?

Last edited by Demon (2014-09-16 09:21:38)


#2 2014-09-16 08:59:51

From: Belgium
Registered: 2010-08-31
Posts: 124

Re: [RESOLVED] Hot to remove superfluous/unneeded selfsigs from my key?

You cleaned/minimized your local copy, but these signature(s) remain valid and present "in the cloud".  The PGP keyservers will display all info they have about your key, you cannot remove that.


#3 2014-09-16 09:03:25

From: Republic of Srpska, BA
Registered: 2008-03-02
Posts: 246

Re: [RESOLVED] Hot to remove superfluous/unneeded selfsigs from my key?

ghen wrote:

You cleaned/minimized your local copy, but these signature(s) remain valid and present "in the cloud".  The PGP keyservers will display all info they have about your key, you cannot remove that.

Oh fu*k... What will happen if I revoke them? I also made new photo ID, can I revoke the old one?


#4 2014-09-16 09:15:37

From: Belgium
Registered: 2010-08-31
Posts: 124

Re: [RESOLVED] Hot to remove superfluous/unneeded selfsigs from my key?

Keyservers will show all information they have about your key, including revocations, because they are relevant too.

You can revoke signatures but not erase them from the Internet's memory. :-)


#5 2014-09-16 09:21:21

From: Republic of Srpska, BA
Registered: 2008-03-02
Posts: 246

Re: [RESOLVED] Hot to remove superfluous/unneeded selfsigs from my key?

Thanks... I'm now thinking about creating a new key. big_smile I really don't like how the current one looks like.


#6 2014-09-16 14:54:16

From: Belgium
Registered: 2010-08-31
Posts: 124

Re: [RESOLVED] Hot to remove superfluous/unneeded selfsigs from my key?

You should not care about excessive signatures.

I could create 100 silly looking PGP keys, sign your new key with them, and publish the result to the keyservers.  You will find it ugly, but it does not decrease the "value" of your key.


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