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Hi. I've been tinkering with my networking setup today and was able to successfully move from a mixture of dhcpcd, wpa_supplicant etc. to connman. It works fine and I like the fast starup - apparently, it comes with its own dhcp client and dhcpcd (which I was using) is not needed any longer, and it was taking ca. 6 sec to start (I neither have dhcpcd nor dhclient now).
One thing that's bothering me a bit is that for some reason it tries to start connman-vpn, while I don't need it, and it is also not configured to start. I tried looking into the docs but didn't find any way to disable it. So I masked it out (systemctl mask connman-vpn) and it doesn't start it, but now I get a big fat read 'Unit connman-vpn.service is masked.'
Is masking the vpn service the right thing to do?
And one more side question - how to show the plugins in use by connman? How to show all available plugins?
Might be able to get these answers from the person who wrote the connman on their community contributions thread. NVM I think I'm confusing that with a program written to go with connman. Yes, it does look like connman-vpn is running when it isn't enabled, but connman is.
Last edited by nomorewindows (2014-09-28 21:37:46)
I may have to CONSOLE you about your usage of ridiculously easy graphical interfaces...
Look ma, no mouse.
It look as though connman-vpn.service must be started by dbus. Maybe you could find the file that starts this service and delete it or modify it to not start it automatically? Either that or you could mask the connman-vpn.service... that would certainly stop it from running.
connman can be started with --noplugin=<plugin1>
connman can be started with --noplugin=<plugin1>
This seems like a waaaaaaay better option that what I was suggesting.
Thanks, I will try the --noplugin options. The only thing is, I don't know how to list the plugin names, yet.
Actually, it seems to me that the connman build from Arch standard repos only has the vpn plugin. I have no idea if this is true, but it seems all the functionality has been compiled into it connman proper. Kind of like kernel modules can be compiled in. Otherwise I don't understand where the so much advertised pugin architecture is... I don't even have the /usr/lib/connman/plugins library mentioned in /usr/lib/pkgconfig/connman.pc. I think there is supposed to be a dhcp plugin, a wifi plugin, bluez etc. and I don't see any of them...
You can see the options connman is configured with in the PKGBUILD.