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#1 2014-09-29 23:03:08

Registered: 2013-05-02
Posts: 15

L2TP/IPSEC Cannot connect

I have run into a problem that i cannot seem to google(and forum crawl) my way out of, and so i am calling upon the wisdom of you, the beloved forum members!

Now, i have set up(okay almost) a OpenSwan server which i am now trying to log in to, and;

journalctl -f

gives me:

Sep 29 16:39:18 alarmpi pluto[829]: packet from ignoring Vendor ID payload [MS NT5 ISAKMPOAKLEY 00000008]
Sep 29 16:39:18 alarmpi pluto[829]: packet from received Vendor ID payload [RFC 3947] method set to=115
Sep 29 16:39:18 alarmpi pluto[829]: packet from received Vendor ID payload [draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02_n] meth=106, but already using method 115
Sep 29 16:39:18 alarmpi pluto[829]: packet from ignoring Vendor ID payload [FRAGMENTATION]
Sep 29 16:39:18 alarmpi pluto[829]: packet from ignoring Vendor ID payload [MS-Negotiation Discovery Capable]
Sep 29 16:39:18 alarmpi pluto[829]: packet from ignoring Vendor ID payload [Vid-Initial-Contact]
Sep 29 16:39:18 alarmpi pluto[829]: packet from ignoring Vendor ID payload [IKE CGA version 1]
Sep 29 16:39:18 alarmpi pluto[829]: packet from initial Main Mode message received on but no connection has been authorized with policy=PSK

Now, from this i deduct that this might be the most important message:

Sep 29 16:39:18 alarmpi pluto[829]: packet from initial Main Mode message received on but no connection has been authorized with policy=PSK

Now what could this tell me?
Might someone guide me in the right direction from here/does anyone know of a post i might have overlooked or something obvious that i have missed?
If you need more information to help me along, please, ask and you shall receive.


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