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I read about truecrypt being abandoned and possible backdoors in the current version. I like to have an encrypted container for private files on my laptop. I do not want to have an entire encrypted partition there. What is a recommended alternative to truecrypt for containers that is supported and secure?
I use tcplay.
Last edited by 2ManyDogs (2014-10-23 00:33:06)
I like tcplay too it uses dm-crypt and gives options in hashing and cipher among others.
I actually do this manually using dm-crypt and a loop device … oop_device
I'll have a look at tomb. Never heard of this before but it seems to be quite comfortable.
I put at button on it. Yes. I wish to press it, but I'm not sure what will happen if I do. (Gune | Titan A.E.)
I will look at tcplay. I do not understand the difference between using tcplay with existing truecrypt containers and making fresh ones with dd and using dmcrypt manually. Can someone explain to me? Is a potential security hole that I made the container with truecrypt? I can make new ones easily enough with dd and use dmcrypt.