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In some places the wifi is spotty and I'll get disconnected or if I move locations this happens as well. It won't automatically reconnect. In cmst it says that the connection is idle and the output of
connmanctl services
shows `*A` instead of `*AO`. If I try to manually connect with
connmanctl connect wifi<stuff>_managed_ieee8021x
I get the error "/net/connman/service/wifi<....> : Not registered". Trying to connect with cmst makes me enter my identity and passphrase again for some reason and also fails to connect. The only way I've found to connect after this is to stop the connman.service and then start it again (after which it will automatically connect properly). Restarting it doesn't seem to work.
Any ideas of how to fix this? I had this problem when I was using netctl as well. I would have to stop the service or it failed every time I tried to connect, so I'm not exactly sure what the problem is. Any ideas?
This is what my config looks like:
Name = name
Description = uni
Type = wifi
Name = <ssid>
EAP = peap
Passphrase = <pass>
Identity = <username>
Phase2 = MSCHAPV2
Last edited by angelic_sedition (2014-10-23 16:25:26)
I thought I saw something similar on the Connman mailing lists. It looks like the discussion linked below might be what you are seeing. … 18070.html
If so it is a wpa-supplicant issue.
CMST is asking for your passphrase because I keep an agent registered at all times. Using connmanctl you must register your own agent if you want one, essentially the "not registered" error you are getting is because there is no agent registered for connmanctl.
CMST should report the connection state in the GUI windows exactly as Connman reports it to CMST. I do though think I may have taken some liberties in the state reported in the system tray icon. Specifically I don't recall ever putting in a failure icon (disconnected yes, but not failure) and I tend to remember those because looking thorough icon libraries trying to find something appropriate is not my idea of fun. If I did cheat on that I'll get it fixed up in the next release.
I thought I saw something similar on the Connman mailing lists. It looks like the discussion linked below might be what you are seeing. … 18070.html
If so it is a wpa-supplicant issue.CMST is asking for your passphrase because I keep an agent registered at all times. Using connmanctl you must register your own agent if you want one, essentially the "not registered" error you are getting is because there is no agent registered for connmanctl.
CMST should report the connection state in the GUI windows exactly as Connman reports it to CMST. I do though think I may have taken some liberties in the state reported in the system tray icon. Specifically I don't recall ever putting in a failure icon (disconnected yes, but not failure) and I tend to remember those because looking thorough icon libraries trying to find something appropriate is not my idea of fun. If I did cheat on that I'll get it fixed up in the next release.
Thank you for that link. It would make sense that it's a wpa_supplicant issue. Next time I am in the area, I will test to see if it reconnects after the timeout and see if lowering the wpa_supplicant timeout helps (though I'm guessing it is probably a better idea to manually reconnect than have a very small timeout). Is there some where for me to know that it is in this "failure state"? `connmanctl services` just doesn't show me as connected anymore, and connman doesn't automatically connect.
As for the connection state, I just don't know what the connection state letters mean (there's nothing about them in the manpage for connman; is there documentation elsewhere?). If I'm connected, it's "O". When it's connecting it's "c" or "R". Otherwise there is no letter. I wasn't suggesting that cmst and connmanctl were reporting a different connection state.
In the mailing list, it says "When there is at least some form of UI, the user can always mitigate the issue by forcefully connecting to the failed network." Am I right that manually connecting with cmst should work? When I try to manually connect with cmst, there isn't a failed icon; a popup just comes up saying connecting has failed. Also, is there a reason that the profile I've created can't be used? I will also try connecting with an agent in interactive mode for connmanctl and seeing if that works.
Last edited by angelic_sedition (2014-10-23 22:17:16)
I know what you mean about the documentation on connmanctl. I've sort of figured out that 'O' is the online state. I've personally never seen the 'c' or 'R' but I'd guess it means "connecting" and "Ready". Incidentally "Ready" connections are as functional as "Online" connections, and sometimes you'll get a ready symbol in the system tray instead of the online symbol. Nothing to fix because that is the way Connman works. As far as connecting state possibly being different I do need to check that. When I read the mailing list thread I saw that the connection would go into the failed state, and I just did not recall ever putting an icon in the system tray for that condition, and if I didn't I'm not entirely sure what the fallback was.
You read to the that last line in the last post too. RIght now I'm pushing to get an editor for .config files out - it has been an outstanding issue for months. It is in a separate branch and I'm hoping by this weekend it will be working enough to merge into the master. There will still be a bunch of work on that after, but when that is done I want to see what this "forcefully connecting to failed network" is all about.
Generally CMST will not work if connman will not make a connection. Until the config editor all that we did (or do with the current release) is act as a middle man between the user and the Connman daemon. Nothing else at all. That editor will be the first thing relative to the program that is outside the Connman API.
I've also seen it as "a".. authenticating maybe? Anyway I tested manually connecting after a failure and waiting for the timeout. I got disconnected, and cmst listed the status by the network as failure. Trying to connect manually resulted in 'connman returned the following error: "connect-failed"'. I got the same error trying to connect with connmanctl. I then waited about five minutes, and the status was then listed as idle. However, trying to connect with connmanctl resulted in:
Error /net/connman/service/wifi_...._managed_ieee8021x: In progress
It never connected though. Still it looks like the only way I can get it working again is by stopping and starting the service.