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#1 2014-02-15 11:18:23

Registered: 2014-02-15
Posts: 5

[SOLVED]Trouble installing ruTorrent on Arch


I'm trying to replicate an existing server setup I have running on Ubuntu at present in a Virtualbox VM, just to see if I can do it as I'm thinking about switching the server over the Arch in the near future.

I've installed rtorrent from the official repositories and rutorrent and rutorrent-plugins from the AUR, configured apache as described in the instructions for rutorrent, I also have xmlrpc-c and mod_scgi installed. I'm getting the following output when I try to load ruTorrent:

[15.02.2014 11:12:55] WebUI started.
[15.02.2014 11:12:55] Webserver user can't access 'stat' program. Some functionality will be unavailable.
[15.02.2014 11:12:55] rTorrent user must have read/execute access to the tmp directory. ruTorrent will not work. (/tmp/)
[15.02.2014 11:12:55] rss: Some functionality will be unavailable. Webserver user can't access external program (curl).
[15.02.2014 11:12:55] rutracker_check: Plugin will not work. Webserver user must have execute access to the rtorrent session directory (/home/rob/downloads/.session/).
[15.02.2014 11:12:55] mediainfo: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (mediainfo).
[15.02.2014 11:12:55] screenshots: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (ffmpeg).
[15.02.2014 11:12:56] Unpack plugin: rTorrent user can't access 'unzip' program.
[15.02.2014 11:12:56] Unpack plugin: rTorrent user can't access 'unrar' program.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, been at if for hours and it's driving me nuts...

Last edited by R088 (2014-02-15 16:58:35)


#2 2014-02-15 12:49:16

Registered: 2014-02-15
Posts: 5

Re: [SOLVED]Trouble installing ruTorrent on Arch

Just to add, I've amended the following:

sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:/usr/bin/

to the open_basedir line in php.ini and the 'stat' error has gone, I'm stuck now with the tmp directory issue. I can get rid of it by setting a $tempDirectory variable in /usr/share/webapps/rutorrent/conf/config.php like so:

$tempDirectory = ‘/usr/share/webapps/rutorrent/tmp’

however I then get:

[15.02.2014 10:33:25] Bad response from server: (500 [error,getplugins])
[15.02.2014 10:33:25] Bad response from server: (500 [error,getuisettings])

Any ideas at all?

Last edited by R088 (2014-02-15 16:52:26)


#3 2014-02-15 13:38:02

Registered: 2014-02-15
Posts: 5

Re: [SOLVED]Trouble installing ruTorrent on Arch

Just to clean up the output I've reverted the tempDirectory variable in rutorrents log window I've now installed unzip, unrar, mediainfo and ffmpeg with pacman -S and also run

chmod -R go+x rob 

in the /home directory (as despite the .session directory having the correct permissions, the parent directory needed to be set too) so my log now reads as follows on page load:

[15.02.2014 13:29:39] WebUI started.
[15.02.2014 13:29:40] rTorrent user must have read/execute access to the tmp directory. ruTorrent will not work. (/tmp/)
ls -l

in the root of my hard drive gives:

drwxrwxrwt  9 root root   180 Feb 15 13:28 tmp

Last edited by R088 (2014-02-15 16:57:10)


#4 2014-02-15 14:45:15

Registered: 2014-02-15
Posts: 5

Re: [SOLVED]Trouble installing ruTorrent on Arch

Nevermind, I am officially an idiot!

cd ~/
mkdir tmp
chmod 777 tmp
sudo nano /usr/share/webapps/rutorrent/conf/config.php

and re-add

$tempDirectory = ‘/home/<username>/tmp’;

only this time remembering to close the line with a semi-colon and presto. It works!

Really, really, really wish I'd remembered that semi-colon half a day ago!

Mods, please feel free to delete this if you see fit. Thought I'd put the solution in here just in case anyone was following.

Last edited by R088 (2014-02-15 16:54:40)


#5 2014-02-15 16:35:38

Forum Moderator
From: Twin Cities, MN
Registered: 2012-06-22
Posts: 2,097

Re: [SOLVED]Trouble installing ruTorrent on Arch

R088, first of all, welcome to the BBS. A couple of things. If you managed to solve your problem, there's nothing wrong with the post remaining here since the solution might be found by others in the same situation.

However, there are a couple of things you should really do to keep your posts readable in the future. Primarily, terminal output of any kind (including error output, file contents or code) should be put in BBCode code tags like so:

I'm in a code block!

Doing so keeps the output formatted in a readable fashion, and if the output is quite long, it will place it in a frame with its own scrollbar which makes reading the whole thread much easier. There are other tags that you can use to keep your posts clean and readable which you may want to read up on too.

Finally, if you did find a solution, either on your own or with another's help, make sure to add [Solved] to the beginning of your thread title (you can do this by editing the first post in the thread). This will signal to everyone else that a solution can be found in the thread.

All the best,


Last edited by HalosGhost (2014-02-15 16:37:19)


#6 2014-02-15 17:00:36

Registered: 2014-02-15
Posts: 5

Re: [SOLVED]Trouble installing ruTorrent on Arch

Thanks for the reply,

I've had a tidy up above and put the code into blocks (will be sure to do this in the future), also fleshed out the explanation a bit so hopefully it'll make sense to anyone that does stumble across it. Marked it as solved too.


#7 2014-11-10 14:36:45

Registered: 2014-05-04
Posts: 2

Re: [SOLVED]Trouble installing ruTorrent on Arch

R088 wrote:

Nevermind, I am officially an idiot!

cd ~/
mkdir tmp
chmod 777 tmp
sudo nano /usr/share/webapps/rutorrent/conf/config.php

and re-add

$tempDirectory = ‘/home/<username>/tmp’;

only this time remembering to close the line with a semi-colon and presto. It works!

Really, really, really wish I'd remembered that semi-colon half a day ago!

Mods, please feel free to delete this if you see fit. Thought I'd put the solution in here just in case anyone was following.

This post just helped me today, so pleased it was not deleted.

Thanks R088


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