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#1 2014-11-29 16:11:13

Registered: 2008-11-09
Posts: 112

logwatch ignoring everything except fail2ban?

Whatever settings I have i logwatch.conf or if I use the default config my logwatch produces output like:

 ################### Logwatch 7.4.0 (03/01/11) #################### 
        Processing Initiated: Sat Nov 29 17:06:36 2014
        Date Range Processed: yesterday
                              ( 2014-Nov-28 )
                              Period is day.
        Detail Level of Output: 10
        Type of Output/Format: mail / text
        Logfiles for Host: poczta
 --------------------- fail2ban-messages Begin ------------------------ 

 DEBUG: Inside Fail2Ban Filter 
 ---------------------- fail2ban-messages End ------------------------- 

 ###################### Logwatch End ######################### 


# logwatch --debug=5

shows that it tries to process all my log files. All log files have the same permissions as fail2ban. Looks like it ignores all entries in all log files except fail2ban. My log files are produced by syslogd with default settings (except filter/destination/log entries). Any idea what's wrong?


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