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I'm going over the iPhone bluetooth tethering section on the wiki … ing#netcfg and updating it to work with netctl.
All the parts are working, I'm just not sure how I can call pre/post connection hooks from netctl, they are not documented anywhere.
Any idea how I can go about this? This is requried since calls to bluez must be made to connect and disconnect from the BT device prior to setting up the network interface.
Does the interface actually exist before calling bluez? If so, you can do it from a dhcpcd hook - man dhcpcd-run-hooks for details about how to hook into the PREINIT event
Pre/Post expressions analogue to netcfg don't exist. If the interface exists, you can put an action similar to what rsmarples has written for dhcpcd into '/etc/netctl/interfaces/'.
Even if the interface does not exist, you should be able to bring it up/down with a hook in '/etc/netctl/hooks/' (man netctl.profile).
Example: … 7#p1304367
Pages: 1