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At the moment I have an Apache web server hosting PHP based web pages out of /srv/http. This works for what I am doing at the moment, but i was wondering if there was a more professional\correct way to host a web application on Arch.
When would someone host a page in /srv/http vs /var/www ? ( is /www even widely used on archlinux) ?
Or is their a better way all together ( I read something about symbolic linking the 2 directories)?
Can anyone provide a sample of how they decided to set up their basic web directories ?
Any help is very much appreciated !
It mainly depends on the webserver you're using. There's nothing about the difference between /srv/http versus /var/www. As far as the web user is concerned they don't even know what directory structure you're using.
I may have to CONSOLE you about your usage of ridiculously easy graphical interfaces...
Look ma, no mouse.
Thanks for the response! I guess I will keep serving pages from /srv/http until someone has a valid objection to hosting web pages in that way!
Not a Sysadmin issue, moving to Networking...