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Something happened on my server on Dec 8th. I suspect the update from syslog-ng on Dec 3td, but it might just as well be something different.
The issue is that syslog-ng doesn' t output the postfix -> syslog_name in the logs (mail.log). A typical line in mail.log looks like:
Dec 17 00:09:02 sojoez smtp[28412]: A4D6B153063: to=<xxx@yyy>, [...]
The weird thing is that journalctl outputs the correct line as
dec 17 00:09:02 sojoez postfix/smtp[28412]: A4D6B153063: to=<xxx@yyy>, [...]
The difference is the missing postfix, which should be there (as is the case of logs from before Dec 8th.) While investigating the issue I explicitly set
in postfix/main,.cf but that didn ' t chane anything. Also I experimented with
in /etc/systemd/journald.conf, also without luck.
After Dec 8th I have issues with certain configurations of pflogsumm, which keeps stats on sent and received mail. In this forum there is a recent post about a user having issues with Mailgraph, perhaps related to this very issue.
Last edited by foppe (2015-01-08 08:39:44)
I am still looking for a workaround at least but without luck
//Edit: Trying to downgrade currently. I'd appreciate any tips (it's kinda urgent for me)
//Edit2: I have no more time for this. Therefore a quick&dirty workaround for pflogsumm:
< my $syslogName = $opts{'syslogName'}? $opts{'syslogName'} : "postfix";
> #my $syslogName = $opts{'syslogName'}? $opts{'syslogName'} : "postfix";
> my $syslogName = "";
< unless((($cmd, $qid) = $logRmdr =~ m#^(?:postfix|$syslogName)/([^\[:]*).*?: ([^:\s]+)#o) == 2 ||
> unless((($cmd, $qid) = $logRmdr =~ m#^(?:postfix/|$syslogName)([^\[:]*).*?: ([^:\s]+)#o) == 2 ||
Last edited by maroid (2014-12-28 16:50:55)
This one fixed itself yesterday with the latest release of syslog-ng. Marking [SOLVED] .